Aquarium gloves?

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
I am seriously freaked out right now. I know this should be comeing from someone that thinks mantis shrimp are pretty, but i am getting freaked out by other critters that are liveing in my tank.

last night i went to move some corals while my mantis was eating a piece of frozen shrimp(to keep him occupide and not hit me) I moved my zoanthids and some star polyps when i let go there was this huge isopod crawling around on my hand! it was one of the ones that dig and burrow in the sand. of course i went into the bathroom crying like a little girl and wahsed my hands over and over.

any ways, are there any special gloves made for aquariums use?

And on another subject, something keeps irritateing my zoas, the palythoas are fine but my purple and green zoas are irritated, they are smaller and wont close, the large polyps are fine but the smaller ones are shriveling up. what could be causeing this?


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Currently nursing a nice nastly little rash on my forearm thanks to my frogspawn that is the result of spending an hour with my arm in the tank cleaning glass.......those long gloves in the other room are looking more and more wearable......funny that coral never bothered me before

May 12, 2005
ram man said:
I moved my zoanthids and some star polyps when i let go there was this huge isopod crawling around on my hand! it was one of the ones that dig and burrow in the sand. of course i went into the bathroom crying like a little girl and wahsed my hands over and over.
LMAF*laughingc *laughingc *laughingc :p