Aquarium Help


New Fish
Mar 1, 2010
Was wanting to setup either a 75 gallon or 90 gallon saltwater aquarium. I have had freshwater tanks in the past. I have been wanting to get a saltwater aquarium for some time and have been doing research on different things. I wanted to ask people who have already done this before. I want to know what the best equipment is for this setup. I wanted to get a reef based setup. I will have a lot of live rock and as much live sand as needed. I would like all information you have to setup and how long to wait to add fish. I wanted to know which fish to add first and which ones to add later. I've done coultless research on fish but i just want first hand knowledge from people.

The fish I was thinking off and the combination

true percula clown fish

pacific blue tang

yellow tang



hermit crabs or crabs

anemone pref. bubble tip

some soft coral.


starfish linkia

flame angel

maroon clown fish

Was thinking of a picasso trigger fish but i have been hearing how they harass and unbalance the whole tank

Was really want a dwarf zebra lionfish but was unsure if it will kill the clownfish,goby, and the invertrabrates

I also wanted to add a snowflake eel (I will have the proper lid for this because i heard they like to jump out)

- I know the eel and lionfish would work together and i heard the eel is very reef compatible especially if it is fed regularly.

*But if i can make some combination of this I would be really happy. Also does any have any info on a zebra moray eel as a substitue for the snowflake eel? of perhaps a really cool dwarf eel? But i would really love to have a dwarf zebra lionfish to this tank. please i want to do this right.

Also just want to know this the lfs said that when fish grow up together and are well fed usually leave each other alone

Thank you so much

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
Read all the stickies at the beginning of the saltwater forum. Those will answer a lot of your questions. Also, when you get live rock, you will not need live sand. Just buy a substrate like aragonite. The live rock will make your sand live on its own. Don't let an LFS tell you different. Most of them are just out to make a buck and will sell you anything.


Medium Fish
Jan 31, 2010
Midway, GA
I could be wrong, but the eels that I've had (one was a snowflake) ate one of my clowns. (banded) just to regurgitate it later. I personally think that the shrimp and the fish won't be good friends with your eel. Although I've heard that the zebra eel will do fine I'm not sure how reef compatible it is. From my experience with eels, regardless of how well you feed them, they'll still tend to try to eat your other tank mates. :(


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
You have a lot of research about tanks and set up etc before you start wondering about fish....though having an idea of what types of fish and corals you will want will lead you in the direction your set up will take. Firstly as you are thinking reef you will need to address lighting and water quality as these are the most important aspects of reefkeeping......

Lighting will need to be T5 HO or metal halide a closed top tank with halide lighting may pose heat issues and needs to be addressed.
a good protein skimmer and a refugium/sump are going to be necessary though you can get by with a hob skimmer in a 75 but with a 90 you really should be thinking sump to place your heaters and skimmer etc in.
Water movement needs to be about 25 times your volume turnover per hour or higher
Live rock about 1-2 lbs / gallon minimum for reef. This will also cut down on your swimming room for fish. The blue tang is probably out or should be as it really should have a minimum of a 6 ft tank as to the trigger. The clown choices should be one or the other.....not a percula and a maroon, they will not co-habitate. Anemones are very far down the road and need an established tank with good lighting. Linkia stars have dismal survival rates and should be discouraged as they won't make it. I nice school of chromis would be nice though need to be added at the end as should the clowns.....docile fish first, aggressive at the end.

Read everything about setting up and equipment, then deal with the livestock....