aquarium salt and hatching bbs


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
I had been using a fine grained aquarium salt for hatching my baby brine shrimp, and kinda eyeballing the amount. Recently I accidentally bought a very coarse grained kind of aquarium salt. I figured, okay, it'll take a little longer to dissolve, but otherwise shouldn't be a problem. Wrong. I can't seem to get any eggs to hatch now! There's only a few sad looking bbs hanging out at the top of the jar . . . . Do I need to increase the amount of salt???? Is there any difference between kinds of aquarium salt, other than the grain size?


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
Visit site
you dont actually need any salt to hatch baby brine shrimp. My good ol buddy wayne has a full set of instructions on his web page listed in my sig, including a home-made hatchery that made it so he would only get completely de-shelled shrimp for his baby fish.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Lotus, thank you for your answer! You really did answer my query about the salt grains! Yay - I heart you.
I really felt that I was dosing improperly with this larger grained salt. My aquarium salt box doesn't have any recommendations on amounts for brine shrimp though. Since my angel fry are now over 10 weeks old, and taking frozen bbs, solid sinking wafers and chopped frozen bloodworms, maybe I'll take a break on hatching bbs? This question belongs in another thread, I know, but is it okay for my wee angels to be weaned completely from the live bbs?


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Doomhed, thanks for your link to Wayne's instructions - next time I set up a bbs hatchery, I will try this version.
But FYI, my bbs did hatch with the large grained salt - I just needed to add more, as per Lotus' advice, and wait about an extra ten hours for same result I had previously.
However, as my angel babies are old enough to eat other foods, as per OC's advice, I am retiring the bbs hatchery, to my husband's delight. Two less noisy bubbling containers in our kitchen!
Anything more on the progress of my angel babies' diet will be now appropriately found in the breeding thread.