Breeding: The T-Bar cichlid is a prolific cave breeder. Pairs are not loyal, so keep an eye on them as aggressiveness will build with age. Excellent parents.
That was the best tid bit of advice I found. I searched "breeding Cryptoheros Sajica"
Searching T-Bar Cichlid gave more results.
Breeding: The male pursues the female by circling her. Female will return the favor by flapping her tail at the male’s lateral line. She will rub her body close to her nuchal hump. This courtship can take few days to 2 weeks. If the female is not ready to breed, the male will bully her to submission. At this time, may want to remove one of them to give the female a chance to recover. If do not act soon, can cause the female’s life due to stress. Once the pair has established a bond, they will select a cave (can use flowerpot or rocks to create a cave). Male and female will shake their head as they dig and clean a spot for spawning. They do take turn chasing off their tankmates from their spawning site. At this point, male and female has already developed much darker colors. Their T-bars are more pronounced. Their eggs are laid on vertical surface. The eggs hatch after 2-3 days they have been laid. It will take 5-7 days for the wrigglers to become free swimmers. Parents will move them to a pit of gravel. Feed parents flakes who will spit the crumbled flakes to the fry. Parents will continue to care for the young until they reach ¼”.
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