Archocentrus sajica & A. spilurum

Nov 28, 2004
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Has anyone kept these fish and would like to lend some information? I am planning on keeping a group of each in a 35G possibly with some Salvinis and/or rainbow cichlids. My Convict, Fluffy (see avatar) will also be living there.

35G Standard 36x12x18
EHEIM 2213+Kit B1
Ebo Jager 200Watt heater

any suggestions as to decoration, etc?

Current plans food wise are:
Cichlid Complete (Hikari)
Veggie Flakes (HBH)
Frozen Mysis shrimp and blood worms (Hikari)
Green Peas
Omega One Marine Flake

Temperature planned: 79F

I know the spilurums have VERY fragile skin so no sharp rocks etc...


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Yes I had four I got from a friend who bred them. They were quite colourful, relatively hardy and ludicrously easy to breed to the extent that locally you really can't give them away. I also found them , compared to popular rumour, that they were mean little s.ob.s and not much better than cons.
Keeping a group with these in a 35 with the spilurum and a con will cause no end of bother with the spilurum likely coming off worst. Salvinis are pretty mean as well, and would not be out of place with a single pair in the 35.
Water - neutral, moderately hard, mid 70's thanks. Big , rounded boulders, bits of wood, gravel. Apparently the fry feed on the parents mucus, but I've never seen this.

Nov 28, 2004
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So, you think I should skip the sajicas? Or the Salvins?

I have to keep the 4 spilurum and the convict, who are all good friends and sleep together in a little group.

When you say large boulders, do you mean arranged to make caves, or just randomly placed about the aquarium?

I noticed they become EXTREMELY aggressive when caves are available.

Oh and I live in Toronto so 8-10GH KH about 5ish PH 7.4-7.6


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
It's up to you. I'm surprised you think you can keep any of these as little groups long term. What do you think is goingto happen when the spilurum pair off - they're not as bad as cons, but will still become pretty nasty, particularly to the other spilurums. This all good friends sleeping cosily together is going to last a couple more months, but I doubt much more. I kept my 4 with other fish, and then one day one of them, the largest sajica, had no fins courtesy of a busy night by one of the others. They were an inch and a half at that point, in a 4 foot.
3 foot by 1 foot tank says keep a pair of the spilurums, the con, and try to get a pair of something dissimilar, like Thorichthys elliotti (?). My opinion is mixing more than one pair of Archocentrus in a 3 foot is asking for trouble