Are my Convicts breeding?


Small Fish
Sep 22, 2003
Milwaukee, WI
Visit site
Hello all very helpful ones!
I have a pair of Convict Cichlids.
The past few days I noticed they were, the female mostly, inside of this little castle decoration I had in the tank before they arrived. I don't know if they are breeding or what, but almost the whole day is spent inside this little castle. Mostly looks like the female is on her side in it, and the male comes inside often, but remains outside of it, near the glass of my tank. I just wanna know if there has been a spawning, and if maybe she is protecting the eggs. If anyone has any helpful info...Thank You in advance. Ben

Sep 23, 2003
TN, India.
Ya things are prominent for breeding i hope so. To confirm look for pits in the gravel. If u can find any such pits ur female would have laid eggs. Also if u hv anyother tank mate in that tank watch out for their agression on them. The male convict would always try to chase intruders and bull them.
If u can see all these then u will have a couple of hundred wrigglers within the next 3 days provided u maintain a temperature around 80°F.

Speaking of convicts breeding, mine had dug a pit, and I just filled it in without thinking... what are the chances I just burried some convict eggs? I have my pair in a 10, and it has an ugf... (I know they suck... its just been there a while...) so the hole seemed to be screwing it up. I also have a power filter on it though...