Are my Kuhli's ok?

I've had my 2 black kuhli's for a little over a week now, and I'm starting to wonder about them..... before I got them, I read on loaches online about a guy who had some develop white stripes; they eventually turned completely white and died. Now, one of mine has a slightly whitish section on him.... should I be worried, and can I prevent it?

I am also treating for ich with salt, and my ph fluctuated quite a bit last week.... could've the stress from that caused it?

as for the other guy, I think I may have the world's first mentally delayed loach. he continually swims in vertical circles along the sides of the tank, for 5-10 mins at a time, with 1 or 2 min. rests on the bottom in between. Quite amusing, but is that healthy for a fish that is supposed to be rarely seen?


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Sometimes it takes a few weeks for them to get acquainted with their new surroundings...I wouldn't worry about them quite yet :)

ph fluxuations, salt etc can definitely stress them out and stress can cause ich and discolorations. If you dont have live plants in the tank you can leave the lights out most of the time to help them feel more secure...and make sure to observe them quite a bit...get used to how much they eat and take note when they start eating less or have a big change in behaviour.