Are my rasboras affected?


New Fish
Mar 22, 2011

I have four week old, 29 gallon fresh water planted tank. I cycled the tank only for a week. Now i have 14 rasboras, 4 neon tetras, 4 zebra lochas, 2 siamese algea eaters, 2 checkered chichlids, 3 ghost shrimps and 1 amano.

A couple days ago i noticed one of the smaller rasbora had something white and solid discharge at its tail end. After three days the discharge size has reduced but its right side has streak of white discolouration. It seems to be active. I have white algea problem and now i notice green once too.

I leave the light on only for 6 hours and change 20% of water once in two days. I have got my water tested many times and it is nearabout perfect.

Are my rasboras in danger? I wonder what should i do? Thanks


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
I'd say you should have cycled longer and maybe not added so many fish so fast, but if you're parameters are consistently good then everything you did wasn't a problem. Can you post some pictures of the fish? My guess now is some sort of fungus, but a picture would really help get a more specific response.