Are my sharks sick???


Medium Fish
Jul 2, 2003
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I went to the pet store today and bought some different sharks which I plan to put in my 130g tank once it is ready.

After I put them in the tank, I noticed the Rainbow and Redtail sharks had some discolorations on the bodies. They have lighter grey spots on their bodies from about the dorsal fin back. None of the other sharks that came out of the same tank appear to have anything wrong with them.

The spots don't look white, stringy or grainy. It doesn't really look like anything is attached to the body, just uneven color.

One of the Rainbows jumped out of the holding container before he was put in a bag at the store. Luckily, I noticed he was missing right away and we found him before he died. I figured he might have had the discoloration from falling onto the ground but I checked the other black colored sharks and they looked similar.

I know there is a specific disease forum but it doesn't look like many people check there yet and I don't want my sharkies to die and/or cause my other fish to die.

Thanks :(


Feb 23, 2003
Naples Fl.
Could be shock. Many fish can change color when introduced to a new enviornment. Drastic PH changes will do this as well.

How are you acclimating your new fish?
Do you know your PH levels and that of the fish stores?
Are the fish able to move this region of their bodies normally?

I would turn off your lights to reduce stress and see how they are doing tomorrow.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I agree with Spike. Make them as comfortable as possible and see if they improve. Discolorations can definitely be a sign of stress.

Be familiar with your store's policy on returning fish because if they don't get better in a day or two, or they get worse I would take them back.


Medium Fish
Jul 2, 2003
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When I got home I floated the bags in the tank for 15-20 mins, added about a cup to a cup and a half of my tank water to the bag, floated them for another 15 mins and then released them into the tank.

I don't know the LFS's exact PH level although from talking to one of the guys there last time I do know it is lower than mine. I added some tap water earlier in the day and that caused my level to rise a little bit from where it was.

Lights are off now for bedtime and will stay off most most of the day except for feeding time because I don't have any air conditioning in the room where the tank is kept and I don't like the temperatures to vary.

I'm thinking it is probably just due to the shock of the move. I don't remember seeing those spots on them in the store, not even on the one that jumped after we rescued him but I'm not totally sure.

The guy in charge of the FW fish section is very good and knows quite a bit about fish. He was in charge of a large SW/FW lab at one of our local universities so I think he wouldn't have sold them to me or metioned something if he thought the fish were ill.


Medium Fish
Jul 2, 2003
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Hopefully after a couple of days the Rainbows and Redtails will look better. I also have a Bala and albino ID which seem to be fine.

I have another Bala on order and when I got home remembered reading they like to be in sets of three. Do I definitely need to get a third or will two be okay?


PS - Froggy: Unfortunately I don't think I have the funds right now for a SW setup. The cost of certain fish alone is scary. Someday when I'm not a poor college kid (going to grad school in fall so I'll be there awhile) I'll setup the SW tank. I have a 95 lb, 2 yr old lab and 12 wk old lab puppy that need to be taken care of too LOL.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Hmm...if sharks like salt add some salt (dunno if they do) If you have some stress coat pop a healthy dose of that in...

Otherwise its just hoping they perk up :)

I totally understand the fundage thing! I have a dog and rent and every other kind of bill that anyone could throw at me, setting these tanks up was all I could handle for now :) At least you have enough for the freshwater, that should still be cool.

Feb 23, 2003
Naples Fl.
When collecting fish from the wild I quickly discovered how imporatant it is to match the PH levels in captivity.

Many fish are "signal fish" in this regard and will change colors when there is a drastic change. More sensitive fish will simply die from the shock.

I prefer the drip method for all my acclimations. I use a knotted airline hose to syphon water from my tank. I place the bag (after matching the tank temp from floating the bag) in a bowl and let things drip till it fills. Then I net the fish and place it into the tank. I try to never let their water get into mine. I turn my tank lights off and try to keep it dark during the whole proccess.

I have even transfered fish (dwarf sole) from full freshwater into full saltwater with this method. The fish came through like it was nothing.

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Large Fish
Jun 22, 2003
England - Sheffield
definatly the stess of moving at the pet shop i picked the shark with the blackest body and bightest fins when i finally let him into the tank i notied that he was greyer i looked on websites and found out that they change colour when frigtened (must be the rainbow) and after about 20 mins in the tank his black colour returned. i have found that 2 of my penguin tetras died in the last 2 days i replaced 1 waiting 4 another, the first 1 looked like it might have had a cut at the top of its head i think the shark might have got him but the second 1 appeared fine i want to move the shark but my bigger tank has not cycled. WATCH THOSE SHARKS THEY CAN BE AGGRESTIVE!


Medium Fish
Jul 2, 2003
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Fishface, thanks for the info. I checked this morning and the black sharks still had some grey spots on them but it seemed like less than yesterday. They appear to be fine otherwise.

I have some Zebra Danios and Neon Tetras in the tank with them and they look okay right now. Like you, I put them in the tank together until my big tank is setup and ready. The little guys stay towards the top now and the sharks are primarily at the bottom.

If they don't perk up over the next couple of days I'll give the LFS a call.



Large Fish
Jun 22, 2003
England - Sheffield
yeah, my shark stays a the bottom in a ruined helicoter cave thing and comes out to eat whatever he can find in the gravel or on plants i cant wait to move him he will be so happy in the bigger tank. my neons arent to bothered about him they still stay at the bottom/middle of the tank. but like i said, i cant actually see him eat so the other night i put a sinking table in just 4 him but the other fish were eating it so he got angery and i think he bit the peguin at the top of its head and it died. so just watch out. the grey fading must be it settiling in after a few more days im sure it will be fine.:D