Are snail carnivors?


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
OK I just went to vacume my tank out and I found my big snail with a fish head sticking out of him. He killed my platy with the one fin :( and the fish was really stuck in there. Wondering if it was an accident or has my snail turned vicious. I am almost scared to put him back in the tank. Has this happened to anyone before??? the poor fish looked chewed up too, it was yucky. Poor fishy :(


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada

Problem I think my snail is eating all my fish now. One of my healthy guppies is missing and have no idea where he is. I looked all over the tank and tore it apart looking for him. I think my snail is eating my fish seriously and the fish seem scared of him and won't go near big snail who is the size a medium sized egg. Don't know its really bugging me as you can see. What happened to the fish. I am sure even the fish I found the snail eating was alive when he got attacked, I just have this feeling cause he was healthy, except for the missing side fin. I am worried about my other fish should i keep the snail and wait to see what happens. Dunno what to do. Don't have any real plants but lots of Algae and waffers every other day. STRANGE MYSTERY

Last edited:
Nov 14, 2006
Fishers, IN
slow as a snail... Have you tested your water? Is there a chance these fish are sickly thus dying off slowly therefore allowing the snail to eat it ??
It sounds like there may be something going on with your tank. As previously stated, it is highly unlikely that your snail is catching fish and eating them!
Maybe you should try putting him in with one of your bettas and watching to see what happens?? Get your water parameters for sure though. It will also show spikes if there is a dead fish in there somewhere (your missing guppy).


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
well...maybe your guppy got lonely too and crawled in his shell?
snails are pretty good about not eating fish...unless theres a dead on...theyll leave maybe the spine, but eat everything including some ribs. lol


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
Breeze7050 said:
slow as a snail... Have you tested your water? Is there a chance these fish are sickly thus dying off slowly therefore allowing the snail to eat it ??
It sounds like there may be something going on with your tank. As previously stated, it is highly unlikely that your snail is catching fish and eating them!
Maybe you should try putting him in with one of your bettas and watching to see what happens?? Get your water parameters for sure though. It will also show spikes if there is a dead fish in there somewhere (your missing guppy).

I did a water test and my nitratewas 0.3 thats high for me cause its usually 0 Anyway then this morning i went to look and noticed my small snail was upside down and dead. So maybe that was the reason for the height in nitrate. Gave my oto cat away, cause he was picking on my cory fish so much that my cory's head is all blistery. Anyway I then did a water change and gravel wash and then tested the water a hour later. Here are the results

nitrate - 0 Amonia- 0 PH- 7.6 KH- 50 GH-200

is everything ok in my tank with 3 guppies, 1 platie a snail and cory fish?

Thanks 4 ur replys