Are these fish compatible

Jun 8, 2008
Hi folks i am pretty new when it comes to aquariums all i have had is an Oscar and Pacu but i want to start a South American community and I was wondering if these fish are compatible in a 55 long with 2 marineland penguin 200 or if you can add to my list with possibly some more SA chiclids

2 German blue rams
2 angelfish
10 large tetras ( any ideas)
5 corydoras
bushy nose pleco



Large Fish
Oct 14, 2006
I would not put the rams with the angelfish or put either with more cichlids, but I do not really have experience with either so I couldn't tell you for sure. I was thinking of doing angelfish and colombian tetras were suggested, but I decided to go with rasboras. I think the rest will be fine, I would just make sure there are plenty of hiding places for the corys. I would be careful putting cichlids with corys, I think the corys may get picked on.


Small Fish
May 30, 2008
suffolk england
i would notput the rams or cories in there, the angels do get pretty big about the size of your hand and would really pick on the cories i keep my angels with goramais and 1 parrot if you wanted to stick with cichlids id suggest some keyholes - great little fish ,


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
In a tank that large I think that you will be just fine. You really only run into problems with Cories and Rams when there is limited space, because they both inhabit the bottom level. Ive never had an Angel pick on Cories. They inhabit different parts of the tank and usually stay out of each others way. I think that your stock sounds great!! :D As for a tetra, I kinda like the Columbian idea. Ive kept them before and they school pretty well and will add a different color to the tank. Hmmmm if you got black Angels, or even striped or smokey ones and put them with Columbians and Rams and some cories........ooooo that would be a nice set up :p


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
just so we are clear you "had" an oscar and pacu, which tells me you do not have them anymore correct?
I have no experience with the fish your asking about, my GBR experience wasnt so good, both dead within 3 months or so. My boss keeps a 55g at work with 2 angels, tiger barbs, and cories and never any problems.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
why would they die..these are both long lived fish, how old are they? being you have a Pacu in a 55g I cant imagine they are that old.

Depending on what you want there are dwarf cichlids that are beautiful, they can be kept in a community set up, there are potential aggression issues if they spawn.

Jun 8, 2008
my GBR experience wasnt so good, both dead within 3 months or so

the pacu and oscar are still alive in a 90 gal is ther like how bout 2 keyholes would they be compatible with
2 German blue rams
2 black or striped angelfish
10 columbian tetras
5 corydoras
bushy nose pleco
and 1 other chiclid that could replace the gbrs


Medium Fish
Mar 2, 2008
This is a site that tells a little about what types of fish go together Elmer's Aquarium and Pet Center Home Page. I was thinking about getting some curviceps cichlid to put in a tank with one angel, instead I decided on bleeding heart tetras. I don't have enough experience to pick out a pair of curviceps cichlid and was afraid I would get 2 territorial males. I have 3 cories in there right now and am waiting for some algae to show up before I get an algae eater I am leaning towards a farlowella catfish or maybe a smaller pleco like a pitbull or brushy nosed pleco. BTW I started this tank because I had 2 in a 30 gallon and they didn't get along after they matured and I thought about trading but just couldn't decide which one had to go. Now both tanks are peaceful!


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
Why are you guys saying there will be issues with Angels??? The only issues Ive ever come across is Angel to Angel fighting and if the start to breed. Which in this case if he gets young ones like everyone else mostly does then he doesnt have to worry about that for some time, if at all. Either set up is fine. I would go with 7 not 10 Columbian Tetras though. Personally I like the first idea better.


Medium Fish
Mar 2, 2008
I got mine as dime size, I started out with 4 but one jumped and the other one died. Mine were fine until they matured then they fought constantly one is still aggressive with other fish in the tank. My 29 gallon tank is by no means over stocked it has a pair of swords, 3 otos and 2 dwarf cories. Yet that angel will go after other fish. It is in a well planted tank so the other fish can get away easily.

Why are you guys saying there will be issues with Angels??? The only issues Ive ever come across is Angel to Angel fighting and if the start to breed. Which in this case if he gets young ones like everyone else mostly does then he doesnt have to worry about that for some time, if at all. Either set up is fine. I would go with 7 not 10 Columbian Tetras though. Personally I like the first idea better.
There isn't going to be any issues other than if they breed. Other than that Angels are very peaceful and beautiful fish. I say go with Pristella Tetras.