Are these good tank mates?

Nov 18, 2008
I'd like to have a freshwater community setup with the following: 2 adult ghost shrimp, 7 fancy guppies, 5 bleeding heart tetras, 2 African dwarf frogs and 5 neon tetras. Will they all get along and not nip at or eat one another?

And what size tank do I need? I was hoping to keep it at 20 gallons or less so it's suitable for my office.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
I think they will get along but a 20 gallon is pushing it with that bio load. I would probably get rid of the guppies only because they reproduce pretty quickly and soon you may have a lot of fish. But I don't think they will eat each other.


Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
Be wary when mixing tetras with guppies. The pretty, colorful guppy tails look very tasty to those nippy tetras. Guppies also tend to be a bit fragile and can be difficult to keep if you're just starting the tank.

I'd suggest getting a 20g long with maybe a dwarf gourami (a honey or sunset) as "center" piece, your ghost shrimp, dwarf frogs (as stated above make sure they're not clawed), and then maybe a larger school (15-20) of Neons/Cardinals. They'll school along the longer tank and should look really nice. Bleeding Hearts are pretty, but they can get rather large (at least for a tetra). Sarpae Tetra, which stay a nice small size, may be better if you want a "larger" tetra for a smaller tank.


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
if you are going to have the african dwarf frogs in your community, it may be a challenge if the tank mates eat the food rather fast. The frogs have horrible vision and tend to be the very LAST to get food. I would be weary of figuring out how to feed those suckers without the fish eating everything