In response to the post below, I thought it would be beter ot post this seprately because it also has a question.
I am agravated. I have a ten gal that has had sand in it for some time now. In the beginning it was cloudy. Very very cloudy. Then it got ok after abbout 2.5 weeks. Then was almost crystal clear. Did a water change and its been cloudy ever since. The clearest it gets is to where i can see a silhouette against the back of one of my fish. Thats it.
I am agravated. I have a ten gal that has had sand in it for some time now. In the beginning it was cloudy. Very very cloudy. Then it got ok after abbout 2.5 weeks. Then was almost crystal clear. Did a water change and its been cloudy ever since. The clearest it gets is to where i can see a silhouette against the back of one of my fish. Thats it.