Hi everyone, I breed swordtails, mollies, and guppies at the moment, and need a small tank. I was wondering if anyone knew a place to get a cheap tank at? I only want it around 5 gallons. I need a thermometer and filter with it also. Thanks.
Have you tried the thrift stores? I have an acrylic hexagon tank I found for $1.99. At the same time I found a hood that would set across if or another $1.99. It has worked out great!
You could also try FreeCycle.org to see if anyone in your area has tanks they're not using. Local fish clubs are another option for cheap used equipment.
I think the 10 gallon Walmart setups are the least expensive new option (with the filter and heater).
I saw on walmart.com a 5 gallon tank for around $24(?) and a little heater for 14. So that's not too awful bad. I might go with it because it's the best deal as of now.