

Large Fish
Oct 31, 2002
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i want to find out how to clean a tank with an Arowana without stressing it to much. i want to stress it as little as possible...
any tips?

Mar 22, 2003
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I don't know the age and the length of your arowana, however, they don't compare to a Dempsey in demeanor. Dempseys are agressive at feeding time and most people don't feed them enough (imagine that - most overfeed fish). Dempseys are cool when it comes to environment. Arowanas jump, love caves and caverns, are carnervorous and suprise you whenever you think they aren't paying attention. As indicated, I don't know the length of the fish, however they are easily adaptable to a cold water condition (keep them in a feeder thank with guppies), but the obvious condition is that the fish will jump and go SPLAT. Change the tank like you do a comon goldfish or guppie tank (drop it down to 2/3 - 1/2, suck the gravel and add stress coat. You may want to add a pinch of aquarium salt just for good measure. Remember that arowana are prehistoric fish so nobody knows squat about them, but they seemingly continue to survive. Remind me of Pike in Jersey.

Oct 22, 2002
Like mentioned, clean as you would any other tank. At first the arrowana may be 'stress' and skittish however continue to clean at regular intervals. The arrowana will get use to you and your schedule. When I first received my discus (around 1.5"), they were horrified when I put my hand in the hand. Now, I have to push them away to clean the tank.