

Small Fish
Mar 9, 2011
I've always wanted one and finally decided to take the plunge and get a silver arowana, about four inches in length.

I have my 90 gallon set up to handle him right now and he will be moved into a larger tank when he gets bigger.

I havn't seen to much on our forums regarding arowanas, but any feedback would be great! I've been doing as much home work on them as possible....and I've heard that there are many secrets to raising them up.

I'll be happy if I can get my new one to eat when I bring him home.

Cheers, and thanks!


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
First off, if your gonna do feeders, setup a small little 5 gallon tank and get some livebearer you feel comfortable keeping and let them breed and feed him the fry's as you think there big enough.

Secondly, make sure the lid is on tight cause ive heard horror stories of these guys jumping.

They will accept any live food, flakes, pellets or anything. Use something live to arrouse his taste if he doesnt eat, such as Bloodworms or ghost shrimp (Sorry to all shrimp fans)

Hope he works out for ya