

Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well I used to be a cichlid dude in the past 10 years with my favorite being the green terror with it's brilliant color.  Now just started going back to this hobby after a 2 year hiatus because of school but I just set up a 60 gallon aquarium with only one fish, a 5 inch australian arrowana.  They only problem is that I am going to make a planted aquarium and it appears that my arrowana doesn't chew and dig like those bastard cichlids in the past.  Do you guys have any experience with a planted aquarium and a predatory fish such as an arrowana?



you sure can have some plants in there. at all the stores around here that's what all the arrowanas are in. you might even want to try some floating plants, due to the nature of the arrowana's top dwelling, the plants will give it an instinct to move lower, more towards eye level in your aquarium where you can watch it more. hope i could help.



It's slow but elegant swimming posture and ferocious eating style are also reasons for its popularity. Businessman, especially the Chinese, keep this fish for geomancy purposes. That is, to guard one's house/office and to ward off evil. It is believed that the Gold variety is good for a business premise while that of the  Red, for the home.  ;D

Oct 22, 2002
;D I own a 12" silver arrowana  an 8" sailfin pleco (which does an excellent job on the algae) and a 6" tan with shadded gray spots on it any idea the name of this tan guy?


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I've always herd that silvers love plants.  mine likes his but every fish has there own personality.  I think the good luck part of these fish are for certain Asian breeds but we can't get those much.  


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Big Apple, NY
If your are going to have large plants like Amazon Swords and Anubias that is fine, since the Aro swims on the top. Does your Aro get spooked easy if so that will cause a problem with broken stems and leaf.
A large predatory fish like the Aro needs alot of oxygen and a true plant tank needs less oxygen and more Co2.
To maintain a plant tank from algae growing on the plants, you will need a small crew of cleaning fish like the Rosey Barb, SAE and other algae eaters to keep it clean. Any fish that size will be fish food for Aro. I'll try using large plecos like Gibby, but they will up left your plants like any large bottom dweller fish.
I too have a predatory 55 gal. plant tank w/ 3 Datnioides Microlepis (Indo Tigers), 1 Leopard spotted perch and a flying fox. At one time I had 2 flying fox, but he was eaten.
Now I have algae growing on everything. I have no choice but to clean each plant by hand.
Here check-out the set-up