

Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Mission Viejo, CA
So my girlfriends room-mate has a 20 gallon tank. She decides after looking at it empty for months, she wants to set it up. She comes to me for advice. I tell her how to clean it up, give her a basic explanation of the nitrogen cycle, I advise her to loose the ugf and get an aquaclear, and I knew she wasn't going to fishless cycle, so I told her to just get a few fish at first and then slowly introduce more. What does she do? Does she take any of my advice? NO! She doesnt clean anything, she just fills the tank with water and then asks me why it is cloudy. She then runs out to Petco and buys; 3 scissortail rasboras, 2 swordtails, 2 mickey mouse platies, 1 pleco, 1 african frog and 4 zebra danios. She comes home and after floating the bags in the tank for a few minutes dumps them all in. The water temp was at 75 and I told her to go up to 80. The heater wasn't going fast enough for her though so she puts it up to 93! She then decides to feed them and dumps in enough food to last those fish a week. I told her she was going to have to do water changes weekly and she exclaimed that that would be too much work, if she wanted a high maintenance pet she would have gotten a dog. Now, I am a fairly mild mannered guy, but I swear, I could have killed her. Why go to someone for advice if you have no intention of taking it? The only thing that makes me madder is knowing that the idiot at Petco sold her all those fish. Either he knows nothing about fish and should not be giving advice, or he knew fully well those fish were doomed and she would be back to shell out more money.

Some people should not be allowed to have pets. Sorry to rant, but I felt the desire to get that off my chest to some people that would understand.


Oct 22, 2002
LOL! Just kindly mention to her when her fish start looking sick and dying that she maybe should of listened! Funny story nevertheless!

I have made the same experiences!

Newbie - Why are my fish dying? I just setup the tank a week ago!
Me- Well, did you get the ammonia test kit like I told you so a week ago?
Newbie - Well, no!
Me - Case closed!

The main thing however is that they hopefully will learn, even if it is the hard way! Most often people will just quit though instead of listening to advice from experienced hobbyists! :( O, well! Separates the boys from the man, the girls from the women, the 'lets just try it' from the 'lets be successful'!

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Hmmmm... reason why?

I havea friend who asks me for advice and asks me stupid questions every single day. The only reason why is because she likes it when i don't nkow the ANSWER. She likes it when i'm wrong, weirdo, so lets move on maybe your friend there lied said she had this huge tank and it's been set up for awhile and since she had the tank for a couple months before she used it. it could be missleading, she might have thought if she was blonde enough that having the tnak is the same thing as it being setup!!

She's lucky she didn't clean it prolly wouldn't used regular soap.


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Mission Viejo, CA
Funny thing about it, Abercrombie, is that she is blonde. Yeah, maybe in a week or two when all those fish are dead she'll give up and let me have the tank. I've only got six, there's always room for one more.

What really pisses me off about the whole thing though, is the Petco guy. One of two scenarios is possible; either he legitmately did not know he was giving bad advice. This is understandable and even justifiable, but if that is the case then he should not be the one giving out advice in the first place. Or, he did know he was giving out crappy advice but just gave her what she wanted rather than advise her of the best option. That is just messed up. In either scenario the outcome is the same; that guy/Petco sucks.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
you know what i'm not defendin the petco guy but sometimes people just don't listen.i preaced for a whole year to my friend that he needed to keep up on maintaince and he just kept tellin me his tank was fine,untill disaster struck and he learned that i wasn't telling him these thing to hear myself speak so you can only assume that most people are just know-it-alls who don't know it all

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