as much as i hate them..........

ok as much as i hate petco,i called them late last night with a very stupid question(i feel like i should know it).i asked them if i have a filter that is producing sufficent oxygen into the tank will it be ok to add an air punp to power decor and walls of bubbles.they said no.ive seen many people do it ok is what im going to ask you now.i cant believe the amount of people ive seen do this.even pros.but i wasnt sure and didnt want to screw up my would it be ok to use a pump on top of my filter,let me know im going crazy.

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Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
Don't even get me started on listening to your lfs people. There's only one in my whole city I'd even converse with, and the reason is that she says what she knows and admits when she's over her head with a question. You can't get much better than that, I suppose.
If you want bubbles, make bubbles; the only fish I can think of that would be seriously upset by it is a betta.
My sons (ages 6 and 10) are decorating the extra 29g. It has a penguin hotb filter, and they are putting in one of those bubbly pirate-chest thingies, and maybe a bubble wall; it won't hurt a thing.
Whatever gets them interested in fish, right, folks?


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Yeah... bubblers just create more water movement. If you like the looks, they aren't going to hurt anything. They are actually very useful if you have a particularly deep tank. Some fish even like to play in the bubbles (I've heard lots of stories about snails liking to ride the bubbles, too).


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
I've got a H.O.T. Maginum filter, a powerhead with a venturi, and a 18" bubble wall in my 75gal, the only difference I see is my Oto loves the bubble wall and my guppies love the powerhead. I am a little worried about the fry though, LOL The adults kinda fly across the tank when they ride the current from the powerhead (like the turtle scene in finding nemo LOL).


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
LOL yeah, it's pretty comical, they seem to enjoy it... you see them go from the middle of the tank and rush right into it and get swept right back to where they started LOL.


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
That's what my oto does, he just sucks to the wall above the bubble wand and stays there for a while LOL.

LOL I know, it's about the only time you can tell there are fish in that tank if you'r on the other side of the room! LOL (1 oto, 2 head/tail light tetras, and about 6 guppies is just not enough for that 75gal! LOL I can't wait untill I can afford to swap them for the gouramis and their friends! :) )