

Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003

Added a bit of asparagus to both tanks last night and this a.m. 100% GONE! Pleco I assume chowed and the gold severum was quite interested in it too. Anyone know if this veg is ill advised for some reason, other than smelly pee. Hee, hee.

Sounds like a great idea as long as it is all gone. if some of it is left uneaten, it can deterorate water quality.

So the Gold Severum was interested? I am going to try it with mine (I have 4 young ones and one adult. The adult is a male, I still can't tell the sex of the young ones). By the way, how does the Gold Severum get along with the Green Severum? Do they know they are the same kind of fish and create a pecking order? or do they ignore each other. Can a Gold severum "fall in love" with a green Severum?
Thanks for any info you can provide.:D


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
I ALWAYS remove the uneaten food. A newbie yes but stupid, no. :) The gold and green tend to stay apart from each other although I would say the green maintains dominance, chasing the gold on occassion. They are both adult about 3" and I know they can get bigger. Not sure if the green chases the gold out of species related dominance or just "I am the king of the tank" dominance. I would say he chases the gold a bit more often than the others. As far as love connections -- don't know about that one. Will post more as the relationships develop or don't develop.

Thanks Dana307 for sharing info about the severums. 16 months ago I purchased two Gold severums a Quarter size. I was lucky enough that one is a male and the otherone was a female. However the male was always mean to the female, pushing her away at feeding time, and during the day sometimes he would chase her around the 55 g tank. The male is a bit larger than my hand with the fingers extended. The female remained approximately half the male's size. I don't know who didn't like the other but they didn't mate.

The female stopped eating one day, I put her in the treatment tank and gave her a treatment for internal bacteria infection (Maracyn Two combined with Maracyn)and she died. I don't know what caused her death (I am sure the Maracyn wasn't it).

The male does loops for fun when I am observing the tank. He likes doing these loops, especially when I am paying more attention to the Angel fish.

Well I like him so much that I purchased 4 new Gold Severums hoping to get at least one female. They were also a quarter size when I got them and in 3 months they have grown substantially but I can't tell yet females from males. I have them on a 46 G tank and I haven't introduced them to the adult severum yet.

Well, that's my Severum story. I tried the fresh asparagus and he did nible at it. So now I have one more item to vary his diet.



Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
After my blue pleco, the sevs are my favorite fish. They have some intelligence and are so pretty and different. Good luck with yours - it's nice to hear different stories about them so thanks for sharing. When I purchased the gold, she was lethargic and sometimes hanging around mouth up. I netted her, fed her additional and she bounced back. The lfs where I got here said that all of their golds were acting poorly so I didn't switch her out or return her. She ? is doing great now. How do you sex them? I haven't bothered to figure that out yet. :)

Sexing Severums

Hey, thanks Dana307.
So yours was lethargic and hanging around mouth up and it wasn't a bacterial or gill parasites? You have a good eye for this. Congratulations, you saved it.

Sexing Gold Severums (and I hear green and Turqouise Severums are more dificult to sex) is not easy until they get to be adults. The males develop red spots on their head, specially in the area around, between, and behind the eyes. In addition their back fins are a little bit longer and more pointy. Males tend to have more color on their lower fin and usually grow larger. When they are small it is a guess work at best.

That's all I know. I hope that some of the 4 I bought turn to be females. I can't wait to get some Gold severum Fry.

I'll keep you posted.


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
Surprisingly, yes, the sev survived. Perhaps it was the stress of moving tanks? Who knows but that was about 2 months ago and knock on wood, all is good. Hey, that rhymed :)

I guess I need a picture of severums to tell the difference but I will give mine a serious gander for differences. Thanks for the info. The guy at the lfs said they were difficult to sex - or maybe he just didn't know? Hmmmmm. So, what size is adult you think? My green is about 2" wide and 3-3.5" long. I know they can get quite big but at what size is adult status? Great chatting w/ya.
