Thanks Dana307 for sharing info about the severums. 16 months ago I purchased two Gold severums a Quarter size. I was lucky enough that one is a male and the otherone was a female. However the male was always mean to the female, pushing her away at feeding time, and during the day sometimes he would chase her around the 55 g tank. The male is a bit larger than my hand with the fingers extended. The female remained approximately half the male's size. I don't know who didn't like the other but they didn't mate.
The female stopped eating one day, I put her in the treatment tank and gave her a treatment for internal bacteria infection (Maracyn Two combined with Maracyn)and she died. I don't know what caused her death (I am sure the Maracyn wasn't it).
The male does loops for fun when I am observing the tank. He likes doing these loops, especially when I am paying more attention to the Angel fish.
Well I like him so much that I purchased 4 new Gold Severums hoping to get at least one female. They were also a quarter size when I got them and in 3 months they have grown substantially but I can't tell yet females from males. I have them on a 46 G tank and I haven't introduced them to the adult severum yet.
Well, that's my Severum story. I tried the fresh asparagus and he did nible at it. So now I have one more item to vary his diet.