AT LAST! My German Blue Rams is mating!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Shadow Moses Island
Jan 09, 2003 12.05am
I noticed there was something different w/ the female, she become more aggresive than usual and she had big belly w/ white stuff sticking out, hey that's not a fish poop! then I saw the male begins to protect certain area at the edge of my 29 gallon tank, after a while I saw them, the female laid something white and round, these must be eggsss..gee my rams is breeding! At Last, after a long time..YESS?*celebrate .....
NOOOO!:confused: I'm not ready for this, school & work started a week ago! and I don't think I will have time to nurture the babies, since you need to feed them 3 times a day w/ BBS or microworms right? but why now.... well I guess that's explain why the female always chased around by the male recently, he just couldn't resist to be a father..haha.
Now the thing is I am scheduled to change water tomorrow but, should I? and she laid eggs between two fish nets that I accidentally put in my 29 gallon tank, so it is like a shield/shelter from other fish, should I remove the fish net and put a little cracked pot?
oo boy what should I dooo?
mm I wonder if my LFS sell Microworms or BBS...
I will post pics soon.

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Oct 22, 2002
Congrats! First is relax! If the rams are in an established tank, the mother will lead the fry around to find food. When my rams are breeding, I just feed them once a day with micro food. For the time, I would not recommend any water changes for a couple of days as the change in water parameters could be harmful. Leave the fish nets and do not disturb anything for at least a week.

Another thing to watch out for is gill flukes which affect fry moreso than adults!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Shadow Moses Island
Thank you red,
oh ya about the gill flukes can I prevent them w/ flubendazole... or it is just for curing? if I use it,
will it affect other healthy fish? or other invertebrates?


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Shadow Moses Island
Red, the wriggles didn't make it, they actually hatched and the parents were transfering them to another area, but they just lost between the gravels, I wish I had finer gravels, BTw, I just bought pair Discus from Discman at aquabid, they breed after 2 weeks in my 29 gallon planted tank but the result is the same..Hiks..So I put them in my 15 galon BBT see if they can successfully spawn.

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Oct 22, 2002
Well, isnt that interesting and at the same time frustrating! My rams did not lose the fry in the gravel and your gravel looks pretty close to what I had. Nice looking rams though. I wish you luck! Nothing beats watching the parents looking after fry and seeing them grow.

What kind of discus? Any pics?


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Shadow Moses Island
Originally posted by Red
Well, isnt that interesting and at the same time frustrating! My rams did not lose the fry in the gravel and your gravel looks pretty close to what I had. Nice looking rams though. I wish you luck! Nothing beats watching the parents looking after fry and seeing them grow.

What kind of discus? Any pics?

Red, I just can't figure out why Discus, which is considered difficult to keep and breed, has more frequent breeding, comparing to my pair discus and my my pair German blue rams, The GBR only spawned once since I got them the first time it is like already more than 5 months, but the discus pair is already spawned once since the first time I got them, and Now I see the female is pickin' on the cone, I think she will breed soon! :)

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Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Shadow Moses Island
oo Red How many adult discus do you have? are you sure there are at least one female and one male? cause if that so, then you will just have to be patient, I guess, well I've read all those post on simply discus that suddenly out of the blue their adult discus are pairing up! and breed!

Oct 22, 2002
Had two 6-7" around 2 years old that spawned a lot (every week) in my planted tank and finally got wrigglers in a bbt. Gone the next day though, eaten and that was the last time (that around 6 months ago). Both are back in the planted with 2 more and nothing. No interest. Simply nothing!

I have 8 babies though slowly growing up and have hopes but it will probably take at least half a year if not longer for them to start again as they are only around 6-8months now. Sigh! Patience again! LOL!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Shadow Moses Island
Yeah I heard that too, sometimes they just stop breeding after they're transfered to another tank, also I heard that they don't do as better as before after around 15 times of spawning, I guess you will need new specimen to work w/
well I don't expect too much on this one, since I bought them for displaying purposes only and I'm not an expert on discus, well I thought I might take a chance since they're newlywed :)


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Shadow Moses Island
Originally posted by Pooky125
aww, sorry to hear that gnome. Once they've started breeding, they won't stop, as long as your waters good. Beautiful par to... Hope i can find some like that!
Thanks Pooky, the male is always ready but not the female, I guess I will find another female to get her jealous hehehe


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Shadow Moses Island
My rams spawned again for the second time, now the fries survive to the free swimming stage,
I wonder if it will be ok if I transfer them from my community planted 29gal tank to the 10 gal bbt, because it is so frustating, the parents always chasing other fish,
my ph of the planted tank is 7.2 (W/CO2) and my 10 gal bbt is (7.6-7.4) , is it will be ok? I will disconnect the CO2 first to bring down the ph gradually until 7.6 and Iwill transfer them after that.


Oct 22, 2002
Best may be not to change any thing Gnome if you do not want to lose the fry! I have heard that fry are very finiky above parameter chances. How much? Not sure! If you could get a plastic cage or something to keep other fish away may be the best for a couple of weeks!

Or so you say, turn off the C02 to allow dissapation, then do a 100% water change in your 10G with water from the planted tank!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Shadow Moses Island
Red, that's what I was thinking before, using mesh cage for breeding, but the thing is I just don't want the fry die because they not feed enough, so the parents can guide them to find food on the bottom gravel, also I don't want to confine the parents or just the fries, either way will stress them out, so I buy a willow moss, put it near the nest so the fry can hide from predators, also I make an experiment, I took out approximately 15 fry and put them in my 10 gal and I did just as you thought, but only 50% wc just to equalize the ph, I feed them infusoria(liquifry no.1) and BBS, the same w/ the other fries, but I hold on the bbs until they get big enough.