attack of the betta


Medium Fish
Jan 16, 2004
Calgary, Alberta
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i had a male betta in my 5 gallon.

then i bought a gold dust molly to keep him company

everything i had read suggested that the two would be a ble to live in harmony.

However, this was not the case. the betta flared at the molly continuesly for about 6 hours. the molly was flipping out and then got really scared and was hiding on the floor not moving all that much. whenever the molly left the corner he was hiding in, the betta would chase him unmercifully.

i finally took the betta out and put him in the two gallon hex i have with my two ADF's. the molly began to swim around and ate some food, and by this morning he was swimming all over the tank, as happy as can be.

what can i do? will the betta stop flaring, or is he just a very aggressive betta?

does someone have experience with mollies and bettas?

what should i do?


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2004
Toronto, Canada
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I assume ADF is african dwarf frog? I'd put them in the 5 gallon with the molly and snail and give the betta his own tank. Maybe get another molly for company? In with the original molly of course and make sure it's another male, so there is no breeding. You could also put in a platy or sword, something community and non-schooling.


Medium Fish
Jan 16, 2004
Calgary, Alberta
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with the current setup. the betta in the 2 gallon with the frogs, and the molly in the 5 gallon with the snail, everyone is doing great and all seem to be happy. the molly isn't freaking out anymore, and has a great appetite. the betta tried flaring at the frogs, but i dont think the frogs knew what betta betta was doing. it was really funny actually, because the betta flared expecting the frogs to swim away, but they just sat there with a "wtf mate" look to them. the betta got the hint, and now they all love eachother.

i would not like to move the frogs back to the 5 gallon, as i found it hard to ensure they ate enough (either they are dumb or blind because i have to lead them to the food.)

is it going to hurt anyone if i leave the tanks as they are and get a tankmate for the molly? (you know, one that wouldn't bully him)

i don't think i can set up another tank, so as much as i want to set up another 1-2 gallon so as to seperate the frogs and the betta, it can't be done.

what do you guys think?

Dec 5, 2011
Walla Walla, Washington
If you are running out of room, i would suggest putting in a divider. i did that with my betta on one side, and my 6 other fish on the other side. They all seem to be behaving well with each other ( except sometimes when the black mollies get to close to him, he tries picking a fight with them, they just swim away and he soon settles down).