So, my blue Betta was looking all frazzled. Even with a barrier between them, the large red Betta was scaring the living hell out of him. So, I figure he was timid enough to try placing him in a large tank w/ two female Bettas. Well, by this morning, he was cowering in a corner with his fins all torn. The larger of the two females was pecking at him (the rest of the population are cories and loaches, so I don't think they ran him down).
Go figure.
Now, I stuck him in the ten'r with some platies and guppies. If I'm lucky, maybe his fins will heal ... if not, it's toilet time.
Go figure.
Now, I stuck him in the ten'r with some platies and guppies. If I'm lucky, maybe his fins will heal ... if not, it's toilet time.