Attack of the green monster

Oct 22, 2002
We've got a problem.  Over the weekend, we suffered a massive algae bloom w/ no explanation.  Water was clear when we left, got back to a green tank that we could barely see our fish in.  Did a 40% water change which got rid og most of the algae, thought we had the problem licked.  Next day, algae is back, almost as bad as the day before.  If anyone has any ideas on what to do to clear this up, please let us know.  We have checked at LFSs around the area, and all are recommending staying away from algicide, since the chemicals could be detrimental to fish.  BTW, tank gets minimal, if any sunlight.  The algae is also green and free floating.  Any assistance is appreciated.



check out this link:

Not that Im telling you to buy this stuff but has good info about green water and why it occurs!