My two Betas will not eat since I bought them several days ago. I've always used tap water with the ACE treatment and never have a problem. At PetsMart, I got this treatment bottle for Betas and I treated the water, but I do not think it is good, because they was starting to have complications. I immediately took them out and put them in a cup. The dark blue is enjoying his new home in the MiniBow 2.5 and the lighter one is in the TopFin 1G. About the water, I changed it completely and they are using the same kinda water as my 29G tanky. I hope they will be okay.
Mom's previous Beta, she used spring water from WalMart with no treatment and it lived for about a year or so. She got tired of it, so the Beta went to the forbidden place.
What water do you use at work? And at home?