Can you overdo an automated CO2 system? I'm looking at all the equipment I'm going to get for my 55 redo. I'm not sure yet, but I'm thinking of going BIG on it. I figure, if I'm going to invest alot of money into it...I may as well get the good stuff, right?
I know this is preliminary, prices, availability, and technology will be different by the time I do this. I just want to research EVERYTHING very very well. I'll list everything here...and see if anything is over/under kill. The filter will probably change, since I've heard the Rena systems are better. I may run dual filters, if that seems like a better idea. I'll be getting 2 heaters. The aquascaping will be driftwood and live plants, thats it. I cant say what the stock will be as of yet.
I'm still up in the air about the CO2 system. There are some semi-automated systems for just over $ I'm not sure what I want.
Air Pump
Ok, I think thats it
Edit: Don't worry Pearl, this is the BIG! order I spoke to you about...these links are for reference only!
I know this is preliminary, prices, availability, and technology will be different by the time I do this. I just want to research EVERYTHING very very well. I'll list everything here...and see if anything is over/under kill. The filter will probably change, since I've heard the Rena systems are better. I may run dual filters, if that seems like a better idea. I'll be getting 2 heaters. The aquascaping will be driftwood and live plants, thats it. I cant say what the stock will be as of yet.
I'm still up in the air about the CO2 system. There are some semi-automated systems for just over $ I'm not sure what I want.
Air Pump
Ok, I think thats it
Edit: Don't worry Pearl, this is the BIG! order I spoke to you about...these links are for reference only!