Automatic Fish Feeders


Large Fish
Feb 15, 2007
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia , Canada
So I am thinking about investing in a Automatic Fish Feeder. If you own one, how do you like it? Does it put out, enough food? Or too much? Are the food levels adjustable?
Any other feedback would be great..


Large Fish
Sep 18, 2006
rolla, missouri
i got one for break a while back. you have to be careful cause if any condensation gets near or in them, the food will mold. i know. i came back to white stuff growing in mine. you really need a tank with a flat top to get them to stay on there right. the levels are adjustable-kinda. you have to tinker around with it for a long while before you get it just right. and the flakes you put in there have to be the right size to go through the tube and everything. they are pretty nice, specially when you have to leave for several weeks and can't get a fish-sitter.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I've got one, it does have adjustable levels but based on the design, you get more per feed when you first fill it and less as it empties. Mine will either sit on the tank/light/filter/whatever flat surface or you can clamp it to the tank. It works fine but it feeds twice per day, and my lights aren't on for a whole 12 hours so I'm not sure if the fish come out and get stuff for the second meal (this is the SW tank, so the fish aren't out when the lights are off).


Large Fish
Dec 1, 2005
Omaha, Nebraska
my friend has one that has 14 little slots that your poor the food you want to feed in and its a disc shape, everyday or twice aday (you choose how often it dumps) but whenever it does it just opens one of the "pods" and the food falls out. its pretty handy but if you get any moisture in the feeder then like rshxt9 said you get mold that grows, and its a pain to clean.