Awsome Tank!!


Atlantic Fish

Check this out, talk about the dream tank!!!!!!!



Jay S.

Ontario here EH! *laughingcryingsmiley*

Sweet tank!

P.S. Where in Canada are you from Alantic? Saw your Trag thing on the bottom and started wondering if you live in the same city as me?

I am from Sarnia Ontario.


Atlantic Fish

Sorry, nope St. Johns NF....The farthest east you can go....And yes full blood newfie!!!

Yeah pretty cool tank.... Cant wait to start my 125g cichlid mix tank


Jay S.

Ah, ok.

They are playing here Canada day weekend along with lots of other big bands. That's why I thought I would ask  ;D


Atlantic Fish

Yeah, I love The Hip.   Ive seen them tons of times and Ive got every cd they have made....

Check out this formation. So cool...


Atlantic Fish

Luvfishies, that is so cool that you lived here...Did you live here is St. Johns?

Neon, yeah its two tanks.  The web site it came off of has some massively huge tanks...

The web site is

Atlantic, I lived in the Janeway Apts BEFORE Virginia Park was around, Then Ross Rd (Pleasantville), then Snow's Lane (Logy Bay Rd) while it was still wilderness, then out Thorburn Rd about 3 Kms from the Mall.

And that was while still with the parents! After leaving home I did the usual "moving around all over" bit...don't remember most of the street names, and probably couldn't find them now ;)

After dropping Uni (Memorial) and before getting the OK to train in what I do now, I worked at the LFS in the Avalon Mall, then helped to build the one in the Village Shopping Centre...I don't think that one's even around any more? When I was there for the 20th High School Reunion in 2000 (PWC), I didn't even get to the Malls..was FAR too busy visiting all the old friends!

Man, things sure have changed, but not really changed at all, in the ways that count.....was VERY hard to leave again :(


Atlantic Fish

Hey Luvfishies
Holly Crap, my girl friend at the time, lived on Snows lane!! And we went to PWC too!!! How freekin' cool is that!! haha  Im now doing my Nursing degree BN at MUN, they are changing its name now to just Memorial University. They are droping the " of Newfoundland" because of Labrador....O well MU sounds better than the other proposed name of MUNL..  Im in Pet City all the time... Only thing is they are  a little bit $$ and there is a new fish store up near Price Club and Kent, not sure if you know where that is, if it was done when you were here.. anyway toward the end of Torbay Rd there is a huge new development, Price Club (Costco), Kent,  Future Shop, Staples, and anyway yeah a new little fish store.  Nice place and good $$ and What I like a good selection of Cichlids...
Funny, Ive prob seen you and now ran into you this way,,,,,how funny/cool is that..... ;D

Ahhh Atlantic...I doubt we've run across each other...I've been in Ontario since Dec '86...and yeah I know the big development out Torbay Rd....a little zig and zag and that's Snow's Lane....

I tell ya I was freaked out totally when I went back in 2000 for the first time.....I mean....there was our house, the powerstation, and then nothing but woods!.  LOL and there was the Star of LogyBay fish'n'chips......almost as good as the OLD Ches's in Military Rd....first thing I did was go to Ches's, have FnC with dressing and gravy and a cold Old Stock.....WOW~!

Oh and the last place I lived was Farrell Drive...4 boa constrictors, 3 red dobermanns, and mice and rats in cages for the snakes...nope, WE never had a problem in that neighbourhood! ;)

I've heard that there's a good LFS on Topsail Rd, just before the overpass.....just one guy who knows his ever hear of it or been there?


Atlantic Fish

Hey Luvfishes,
Yummmm. Ches's FnC with D& good.....

I dont know of  a store on Topsail Rd.......I know there use to be one up behind the Avalon Mall, "Wet Pets" there was only one owner there, he really knew his stuff.  The new one is "Tropical Marine Pets", that one is on Torbay road near Costco. There is just the one guy there too, and he really knows his stuff, he knows all the fish by their common name and scientific name, he has one side all freshwater and the other side of the store all saltwater. Really nice spot..

Take it easy...  Ill go take a big wiff of the salt water in the bay for ya...haha...Talk about the smell of home......