Babies, babies, babies.


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Lol it has dawned on me today, that I'm currently swarmed with breeding fish. This conclusion came about two minutes ago, when I went to feed my brichardi and was surprised to see a little swarm of free-swimming fry in their caves. They're in a room that I don't spend much time in, so I really only peek in when I feed them. Guess I wasn't paying much attention, lol. Same goes with the cylindricus, who I only realised had spawned when I went to move them out of the compressiceps tank and disturbed their shell/nest. Those babies are about the same age as the brichardi babies, by the looks of it. I also just stripped both female polits of babies a few days ago, and have about 30 fry in a tumbler. I also have about 30 saulosi fry in the "stage 1" growout, and about 40 older polit fry in the "stage 2". On the American end, the convicts just spawned for their first time overnight. The GTs spawned about two days ago (though we'll see if they hatch this time, last time they didn't). And even though she doesn't have a mate, my little Draco (the Midas) layed her first batch of eggs two days ago.

Good lord.


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Well, as much as I like it, its also becomming a case of, where the heck do I keep them all? My tanks are full, lol. I have a couple spare 10gals kicking around, but they only work for the "newborns". Once they get some size and really start growing, they need more room.


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
start selling them and make some money off them too i suppose. fish earning their keep!
but congrats on all the happy fish baby making!

any pics of the multiples of fry yet?


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Oh, selling them was never a question. But they still have to get to a decent size before I'll allow them to leave. I always sell my babies. I also refuse to let my babies go to any of the LFS we have here in town, so that's not an option ;) As for more tanks...the boy would kill me. I already have 19 going, lol. I'll figure something out.

I'm going to work on getting some pics shortly.