duh.......you try to be so smart sometimes but it just comes out stupid. If you wanna have convicts and have fry but dont want a billion all the time get a crayfish, they will eat off some of the young and keep the population in check. Its also fun to watch the cray fight the convicts.
And no they won't just eat the crayfish, can you tell me a personal experience of yours where you watched your crayfish get torn apart by convicts?
the cray fish should be safe till it molts after it molts if he gets caught he'll be dead. other wise the crayfish will have to much fight in him to be taken down and to hard of a shell.
"this is from experience in my CONVICT +OSCAR TANK i had a 1 armed crrayfish that lived for 6 months molted once in the tank even and then was eatin after he molted again...i was not around
and seriously a 55 galllon, ive met people with 27 pink convicts "even though they were ugly" in a 29 gallon tank.
You have got to be kidding me. "It's fun to watch the crayfish fight the cons"? What is your issue? That's not fun, that's sadistic. And you give me crap for saying a con would eat a cray when it molts, then go on to make the same statement of when the crayfish molts, it will be dead - do you even pay attention to what you're writing? If anyone here is stupid, it certainly isn't me, and after keeping convicts for many years, I know exactly what I'm talking about. A 55gal tank would be the minimum for two breeding pairs of convicts to potentially happily coexist. A single pair can be kept in something smaller.
Keeping the population in check is simple...leave the parents with the fry. They'll clear out almost all of them when they're ready to spawn again. Crayfish not needed. Add a cray, and not only will it get the babies, it will go after the adults as well. And, as you repeated after I already stated, when the crayfish molts it will be eaten.
It's nice that you aim for such happy, healthy animals in your tanks. Perhaps you should consider a pet rock instead.