Baby Fish Help


Small Fish
Nov 12, 2013
On Jan 29th I wrote in about my Platy having babies.
A few days ago I had to split and relocate some plants b/c the were out of control. They were overarching the top and no light was getting through.
Anyway I found more babies than suspected.
They are two definite colors light and dark orange. There is also two different sizes. The two smallest are about 1/3 the size of the rest and seem to rest on the bottom a lot.
I know they are all the same batch because the mom accidentally got sucked ip into the filter when I took the lower tube off to clean it which wasn't even two minutes.
My question is after them living for a month I don't want to see them die now. Should I try to put them in a breeding net, turn off air and filter for about a half hour during feeding or just leave them alone and wait and see?
Amazingly my 3 big Gouramis don't bother them.
Thanks for any thoughts


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
yea you can breeder net them, you dont have to turn any flow off when feeding, they should be able to pick food from the top of the water. place some cover in for them into the net like a plastic or live plant or two.


Small Fish
Nov 12, 2013
Thank you. Now if I can just get them without injury.
They don't appear much larger than newborns just more vivid color but their mom was the only live bearer in the tank.
Thanks again Newman.


Small Fish
Nov 12, 2013
I'm posting a photo that I just took this afternoon of my baby fish.
The baby under the plant and the larger one swimming in the photo are from the same batch.
It appears that 9 of them have survived.
Two are the size of the little one under the plant.
The rest are right around the size of the other.
They hide a lot and rest on the bottom or plant leaves but when I pour in the First Bites and micro pellets they actively eat.
What could be going on with them?
They just don't seem to be all. image.jpg [
Any thoughts?


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
some fish just grow slow and some stay small. fish can be like people some larger then others. I've got some yellow labs that are half the size of the others from the same batch. they eat very well. it's not a matter of not getting food. I'd say just give them some time. they may grow or they may stay a bit smaller.