Baby Maxima Clam! Advice needed.


Large Fish
Jul 5, 2005
Well went to the not so LFS today, and saw a couple of awesome clams. I was going to buy a 3inch crocea. Then I saw this little beauty. A baby maxima. So I took the plunge, and justified my reasoning behind getting Metal Halides.

He hasnt stuck his mantle out yet.I have seen him trying to stick his foot out into the live rock earlier. I've done a lot of research on clams but know very little about baby clams. Other than the fact that they feed off phyto.

I have a 24G Aquapod 150hqi MH. Pair of ocellaris, a neon goby, CUC, torch coral, ricordea, and orange zoos.

For feeding I have a product called roti-feast. I was told this would be good for the clam by the LFS. I use it for my coral every now and then.

So questions followed by pics.

What would be the best way to feed this little guy without throwing my water off?

How much, and when should he be fed?

Low flow or is moderate ok?

Any other advice would be awesome, I really hope he grows into an awesome clam. I'll keep this thread as a journal for the little guy.

Now to the pics. If you notice something particular please let me know.



Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
I was told to feed mine Oyster eggs, mix a little with water (very little) and use a turkey baster to give it a little squirt of the Oyster Egg/water mix. I do it nice and slow because it draws in when the baster is coming at it. I feed once a day or every other day. Water seems fine so far from that anyway.

Has its mantel come out at all. I don't think I've seen mine draw in quite that far except for once and then it pretty much came right back out. Also from what I was told they line the sand bottoms better then the rock ledges if it hasn't come out maybe try that.

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Make sure to keep it well fed, as it wont convert over to photosynthesis till it gets a bit bigger usually. Could try giving it several different types of food, such as cyclopeez or similar. To echo angelmom, they do like to be placed where she suggested.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Okay a few things, you said you researched clams, do you know that t.maxima clams can reach 14 inches......and if ca is right they can get to this size in a year to 18 months. Your 24g tank will be too small for this type of clam and you should have gone with the t.crocea who only get about 6-8 inches in size. T. crocea like to be on advice would be to place your clam on a flat piece of rock buried in the sand that way you can move it if it doesn't like it's position. If it doesn't like the spot where you have it will throw itself off the ledge. As it is still small you should take it out and place it in a dish to feed it thereby saving your water quality. T. maxima and t.croceas are very light and water quality demanding........good luck and once it comes out take some pics of it for us. Another thing, when you first placed it in the tank did you roll the clam to ensure that there wasn't any air inside as this is often the cause of some clam deaths........also watch for pyramillid snails and if you see any around the byssal opening you will need to pick them off and get a 6 line wrasse to eat them.....


Large Fish
Jul 5, 2005
Yea I know they can get big, but the transition of watching it grow is what really did it for me. They are stunning when they starting getting bigger. I rolled it to make sure there was no air in it. The mantle is already more out than it was yesterday. I havent turned the lights on yet, I keep my lights on at night to avoid huge temp swings during the hot summer days, plus im home more during the evening so i get to enjoy it more. I'll take some pics tonight hopefully the mantle will be out.


Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
Melev's Reef - A baby Maxima clam

nice little article about baby clams.

when small they need food more then light.

Okay a few things, you said you researched clams, do you know that t.maxima clams can reach 14 inches......and if ca is right they can get to this size in a year to 18 months. Your 24g tank will be too small for this type of clam and you should have gone with the t.crocea who only get about 6-8 inches in size.
dam i didnt know that. making me want one =p

my center piece in my 10g tank XDXD

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