Back again... new set ups


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
Hello all. In the busy season of my job so I can't really post here very much. Made some improvements on some of my tanks, here they are...

The 125g is pretty much the same but I ditched the sand and replaced it with caribsea puka shell. I'm pretty happy with the look and the cleanliness of it. The cichlids can really sift through it like they could with the sand but saving the impeller of my FX5 is more important. Plus I just like the look of it.
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We had to get rid of my wife's 72 bow. The plastic rim was beginning to crack so she now has a 30g planted featuring a betta, some rams, neons, snails and phantom tetras. Caribsea floramax for the substrate.
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My sons' tank has been upgraded to a 55g community. We went for somewhat of a river theme with caribsea black and white substrate. I forget exactly what its called but it looks pretty sweet. They've got various glow fish, cherry barbs, two angels, a gourami, cory cats, a clown loach and a blue craw fish. I also have a few young cichlids in their until they are big enough to handle the big tank. Plus the moonlight led for a night light.
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Thanks for looking everybody, hope all is well.

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Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
Thanks Caps. My wife and I agree that it is the best of the three. One cool aspect of it it its got a submersible powerhead in it that adds a nice current. So we bought 'fake' plants that sort of flow with the movement.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
2013-06-16 23.45.25.jpg 2013-06-16 23.45.45.jpg I thought i would show my cichlid tank and show u the crack in the rim of my 30 gallon. I have been using this tank for about 3-4 years now and it don't bow out any farther then my other 30 that is totally intact. if i lived closer i would offer to buy that one off of u.

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