back into fishkeeping


New Fish
Aug 2, 2009
I have recently (3 months ago) purchased a 55 gallon freshwater tank after being away from the hobby for about 15 years. It seems that fishkeeping was a lot easier back then--but now do I ever feel guilty about the fish! I remember a lone Bala Shark in a 20 gallon along with perhaps two or three neons, a common pleco--throw in a rope fish because they are cool fish, no water changes, what the heck are nitrates--you get the idea.

I am now attempting to redeem myself for past fish tortures and do it right. I have researched my fish, test my water, vacuum my gravel, and do weekly 10% water changes--I am fortunate to have soft, Ph neutral, chlorine-free water right out of my tap.

I would like to get more cory cats because I think my current two are lonely. Would like some opinions as to if my tank is overstocked--internet research yields different advice and I imagine the pet store staff just want to sell me more fish!

In a 55 Gallon:

3 Congo Tetras, 5 Emperor Tetras, 5 Serpae Tetras, 5 Skirt Tetras, 1Bristlenose Pleco, 2 Upsidedown Cats, 2 Peppered Corys.
