Back into the fish game! Adding water with Python system...


Large Fish
Aug 4, 2004
Anchorage, AK
Visit site
Well well everyone, after 2 years out of the fish tank game I am back with a whole new budget at my disposal. I have a 29G tank with an Ecplipse hood and have ditched the mult-bucket system in favor of the Python. That being said, I am cycling my tank with some local fish (sticklebacks) and 2 gold fish. I am using Seachem's Prime for treating water (GREAT STUFF) and want to know if I can continue to add the tap water directly to my tank with the Prime already added to my tank's water (extra added to existing water to aid with Ammonia spikes and dechlorination) OR do I still need to add the water to a bucket and mix the Prime in before it is added? I wasn't sure if the chlorine in the tap water added to the existing tank's water instantly kills all bacteria even if it already pre-treated with the dechloinator or if it is pretty quickly dechlorinated with the Prime and already treated water. I stop my filter when changing H2O so tap water never gets into the filter pads & bio-wheel, but I know that a lot of bacteria live in the gravel too and I am concerned about hurting my cycling. PLEASE ADVISE, oh Wizards of Aquaria! *BOUNCINGS*thumbsups


Superstar Fish
Feb 1, 2004
middletown, CT
Sticklebacks are nippers - be aware! :) Welcome back! I recently got back into it too! (I went from a moderatly planted tank to an unplanted tank for about a year and a half). I'm revamping my planted tank. How I've missed it!

I generally add dechlorinator after I've added water. I don't stop my filters. I haven't had any problems. I think this is one of those things that people go either way.


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2009
Have ,do,use python for refilling tanks with filters running. I add dechlorinator to the tank before I let tapwater enter. Never had a problem with Discus,or any of the other fish I care for. I have six tanks and what used to be a two hour job now takes about 30 min for water change only. Tank maint(ie)vaccuming,wiping down glass or rinsing filters,takes a wee bit longer.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I do the same as Tom actually. I put the dechlor in first or at the same time as the tank is filling. However, if I was doing a water change in a tank that was cycling I would definitely turn the filter off and make sure to put the dechlor in before adding tap water. Even if it may not kill off the bacteria immediately, that system is much less stable than an established tank and I'd want to do whatever I could to give it a fighting chance. Better to err on the side of caution IMO.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
I turn my canister filter off on my 46 cause I don't like the water splashing so much during a change but on my 16 I leave the filter on.

I add tap water straight in and treat half as it's filling and add the rest of my dechlorinater just before its topped off.