Back to square one


Medium Fish
Feb 27, 2009
Well, after some unfortunate turns of events, I'm left with significantly fewer fish and much more space to work with.

I lost a few of the girls from the betta sorority tank, and decided to move the remaining 3 to the 29G. I think part of the 15G problem is there isn't much surface area at the top, so for a betta tank it doesn't get very good oxygenation. That, and it's a far ways down from surface to substrate.

Anywho, I'm now unsure of what to fill my tanks with. The original plan for the 29G was a school of cories, either 2 moderately small (~6 ea) schools of something or a large school of one, and a centerpiece. With the bettas in there, I'm almost tempted to just get a large school of either a tetra or rasbora and a school of cories and call it a day.

As for the 15G, I'm itching for something different. I think it'd be fun to have a school of tiger barbs, and it might be cool to keep a single comet goldfish (I know that's pushing it for bioload, but I think good filtering and cleaning and I'd be okay). What else would be good for that kind of 15G? (It's as if you turned a normal one on one end, so it's super tall and not wide or deep.)



Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
the schools of cories/ tetra/ rasbora sound good for that tank.

Do not go with the comet. not only will it produce more waste, but it needs more horizontal space. it needs more gallons as well. and it will not mix well with warmer water fish like barbs. I know i sound like a hypocrite cuz i keep a goldfish in 76F water, but trust me they need colder water to be healthy. Comets do best in ponds. not really meant for even a 70 gal aquarium. although i think two might survive in a 50 gal long.

As for the barbs, ive always viewed the green "tiger" barbs as the coolest barb ever haha. the dark emerald sheen is just too much. thats just a suggestion.


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2009
maybe a school of black widows?
a couple of nicely colored dwarfe gourami?
Although most fish, other than Angel types, prefer horizontal over vertical.