Back to the Hobby I loved as a Kid!

Feb 6, 2006
First off I want to say hello to everyone. This is my first Post.
A newbie to the forum. But not so newbie as a Aquarius.

I usto Run two 30 long type tanks 1 Salt other tropical.
and Two 10 gallons ,1 Brackish water (which i usto call my swamp)
and a 10 gallon Breeder or quarantine tank.
All in my bedroom when i was a Kid LOL
But that was 25 years ago.
I finally after many years decided to go back to the hobby i loved as a kid.
I bought a 29 gallon two days ago its set up and water is conditioning now. I think it should be ready in a few more days. (I was so close to buying a 55G, But the Mrs started to bitch so i settled for a 29G lol :)

Anyway I want to have a Dwarf cichlids community tank. as a kid I fell in love with German Blue and Gold Rams.

SO i want to set it up with as many as i can keep in my 29 gallon tank. Including possible Bories and possible cookatol I think that how u spell it LOL

I did a lil bit of online research and i learned a lil, on how to keep the PH and GH levels and hard water a little confusing but I'm sure i will get it.

Saltwater was hard back in the days so i'm sure as a adult i can handle a cichlids tank.

Anyway to my Question What would be the Maximum amount i could keep in a 29 gallon tank. And how many males and females.

I was thinking of a total of 8, two males and for 6 females. Maybe more if If you guys think it could be done.

Any information you guys could give me would be great.
Thank you in Advance.!!*thumbsup2

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Large Fish
Jul 21, 2005
southern oregon coast
Hey there and welcome to the tank!!!! I too havent been back into fish for a long time now but have a 100, 55, and a 30. I dont have any experience with Rams but several around here do. Generally speaking 1 inch of fish per gallon of water but there can be exceptions. Some ppl overcrowd their tanks for various reasons but as long as you keep up on good quality water via habitual water changes you can stock more. Being new back into the hobby my advice to you is to take it slow. Read, Read, Read... the stickies on cycling, research the Rams you are wanting to keep and scan the threads for other ppl's personal experiences, it will go a long way for you in the future.
Happy Fishkeeping!!!!

Feb 6, 2006
TLM4x4 said:
Hey there and welcome to the tank!!!! I too havent been back into fish for a long time now but have a 100, 55, and a 30. I dont have any experience with Rams but several around here do. Generally speaking 1 inch of fish per gallon of water but there can be exceptions. Some ppl overcrowd their tanks for various reasons but as long as you keep up on good quality water via habitual water changes you can stock more. Being new back into the hobby my advice to you is to take it slow. Read, Read, Read... the stickies on cycling, research the Rams you are wanting to keep and scan the threads for other ppl's personal experiences, it will go a long way for you in the future.
Happy Fishkeeping!!!!

Thank you very much for the information Kathy and for your warm welcome ;)


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Hi and welcome to the tank.

A 29 gallon really doesn't offer a lot in terms of teritories for Rams. I've only kept them as single fish in a tank, and don't know first hand exactly how big they need their teritrories to be when breeding, but I would guess that to have two pairs breeding in a 29 would be about as far as you'll be able to go.

Most cichlids get very teritorial when brooding a spawn, and the dwarfs are no exception. I would say that no more than two pair of either fish will be able to breed at the same time in a 29 gallon, and this under perfect circumstance.

Being in a larger city like Miami, I would think that there would be several local fish clubs. These are often a great place to find deals on used tanks that people are just happy to get rid of. Also the fish quality from local breeders are often much better than that of many stores, and many times a lot cheaper as well.

Feb 6, 2006
Orion said:
Hi and welcome to the tank.

A 29 gallon really doesn't offer a lot in terms of teritories for Rams. I've only kept them as single fish in a tank, and don't know first hand exactly how big they need their teritrories to be when breeding, but I would guess that to have two pairs breeding in a 29 would be about as far as you'll be able to go.

Most cichlids get very teritorial when brooding a spawn, and the dwarfs are no exception. I would say that no more than two pair of either fish will be able to breed at the same time in a 29 gallon, and this under perfect circumstance.

Being in a larger city like Miami, I would think that there would be several local fish clubs. These are often a great place to find deals on used tanks that people are just happy to get rid of. Also the fish quality from local breeders are often much better than that of many stores, and many times a lot cheaper as well.
*ALL* Dang it !! I knew I should have bought that 55 Gallon tank.
Oh well I'll just make dew with what I have and upgrade in the future.
Yes I'm sure there are some fish clubs here in Miami . but I have been out of the game so long I've lost touch.
I'll do a Little bit of digging and find one.

I woke this morning and looked at my tank to a shocker :eek:
The water is all cloudy and almost milky foamy on the surface.
All i did was put some enzyme drops last night. Looks like I'm going to have to drain water and replace and re condition water again Grrrrrrrr :mad:

I'm glad i don't have any fish in it yet,,

Anyway thanks for the info.*celebrate

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Feb 6, 2006

My Tank is readyyyyyyyyyy whohoooooo . PH, Levels ,Water clearity, Everything . Tanks is a GOOOO!! :) I can't wait.. I'm going out to get My Blue Rams Today. I found a Place here in Miami Thats carrying them and acutally breeds them also. Heading out there right after work..... I"M AMPED!!

Thinking about some buttom feeders also.. corys maybe snails. Which would u feel would be best to go along with my Blue rams??


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Aug 23, 2005
bellaire, ohio
i love cories, they seem to go with almost anything, some people recommend at least 5, ive seen others say at least 3. i had 4 but i lost 2 before i found MFT, one day im going to replace them when i find the ones im looking for.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
The cloudy water was just a bacteria bloom...thats a good thing in a new tank :) Ya should have just left it..they take care of themselves in a couple days in new tanks. So did it get cycled? You might want to read up some more before fully stocking the tank if you're not positive.

Welcome to MFT :) Oh, and dont can go add that 55 to your collection whenever MTS sets in ;) (Multiple tank syndrome)