Back with an update on my 120 gallon


Small Fish
Apr 21, 2008
I seem to finally have everything under control.

I did have a couple of losses. I had to get rid of my Albino Oscar, because it was beating the hell out of my tiger, and just menacing the other fish. so after that happened, the Tiger oscar became the boss of the tank, for now at least. He isn't overly aggressive, but does throw his weight around. He actually decapitated the green terror, but has left the other guys alone.

Everyone gets along great, and I have fixed all of my water problems. I was running a whisper 60, a Penguin 350, and the UGF. I changed that up to 2 Aquaclear 110s, 2 double sponge filters, and kept the UGF. The next thing is in February when I have to Clean the UGF I will be updating the powerheads on it to some of the high flow Aquaclears.(Don't remember which ones right this second.)

Here's the updated stock list:
Tiger Oscar
True Red Terror
Common Pleco (Like the Oscar he's almost a foot long now.)
Green Texas
Firemouth Meeki
Jack Dempsey

I will shoot some pics in a bit.