Bacterial Infection Qs

Jan 18, 2008
So i have kind of a tricky situation that i am hoping i can get some help with.

Im pretty sure I have a bacterial infection that seems to be getting spread around my tank. Ive lost 4 dwarf gouramis, 2 honey gouramis, and 2 platys over about a six months period.

Only one fish seems to get sick at a time, and when they do they will hide in the corner, turn very pale colored, develope a hunch in their back, and then finally die within about a week.

I have tried multiple medications including pela and metafix, a product called first aid i think (i believe a general "cure all" type med), and salt dips and baths. All of these treatments have been given in my hospital tank and some seem to work temporarily (I had luck with the salt dips) but nothing seems to cure it permenantly.

Anyways i know bacterial infections can be spread through fish to fish contact or fecal matter so it makes me think i need to treat my whole tank instead of just the fish once moved to the hospital tank and im not really sure how to go about this.

Id like to try using a stronger med like maracyn (possible along with maracyn II for 2nd infections) but im worried about what will happen to my tanks bio system.

Tank info:
55 gallon planted, undergravel filter and HOB aquaclear filtermade for a 70 gallon. Temp stays at a constant 78 F.

I do 20-30% water changes every week and gravel vac.

Plants include anubias, java ferns, java moss, rotalia, ludwiggia, and an amazon sword. I am not injecting co2 or dosing ferts.

Current stock is 9 black phantom tetras, 5 harliquin rasboras, a BN pleco, upside down cat, a dwarf gourami, and a honey gourami.

0 ammonia
0 nitrites
5-10 nitrates
7.8 PH

So basically I am asking what the best way to clear my tank of this bacterial infection without having to tear down my tank and start over and hopefully keeping as much of my live stock as possible. Any help will be appreciated, thanks in advance.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
A dose of Maracyn and Maracyn Two in the main tank should knock out most bacterial infections. I think it should help with whatever disease it is that you have (it does sound bacterial).

Maracyn can cause a slight disruption in the cycle bacteria, but if it does happen, it's usually short-lived and mild. It would be a good idea to get some Amquel or other ammonia detoxifier, just in case. Monitor your ammonia and nitrites while you're treating. You may or may not see a small ammonia or nitrite spike.