Bad Choice?


New Fish
Jul 3, 2005
I've been keeping fish for years, but recently decided to give cichlids a try. My first one was a green severum, which I have in a 55 gallon tank. I wanted to get him a tankmate and since I read elsewhere that jack dempsey's weren't all that aggressive I thought I'd give one a try. Well the severum, who is about 3 inches, keeps the 2 inch jack dempsey in the corner. When ever the JD tries to come out, the severum chases him back. Was this a bad choice of tankmates, or will they learn to live together eventually?


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
They may, they may not. Depends highly on the individual fish.

As it is now, the severum sees the entire tank as its own. I would rearrange the entire tank. This way the severum will have no known teritories, and thus give the jack a chance to claim a spot of his own.

I have kept neither fish, and don't know of the long term compatability of the two.


Large Fish
Feb 16, 2005
Gaithersburg, MD
I keep severum and jack dempsey togeter in 55g. The are going along just fine. JD is dominating but not that much. He lived for 3 weeks together with synodontis eupterus before the sev. came in, and it was basically his tank. JD is approaching his 5" and severum is shorter but taller and very docile. Actually his even gets kicks from the cat sometimes but bites back then. The problems with these two might originate from their habits: severum likes hang out in the open, constantly cruising the tank whereas JD likes privacy of his cave with occasional ventures outside and surveylance of his territory. Keeping this in mind you might build suitable aquascape so they won't see each other that much. Also, if you feed JD with good meaty diet like live worms with occasional earthworm, he will grow really fast and put some strength on.


Large Fish
Apr 23, 2005
Long Island, NY
Like I've said in other posts, it depends on the fish. They can have varying temperaments. I've had a lot of odd combinations of fish... i.e. a Blue Acara and Discus. But temperaments can change over time and they may begin to accept each other... on the other hand, you might just find one floating one day. However, there is no real way to tell and only time will let you know. In my personal opinion, I think they will become good tank mates with little bickering in a bit of time as they grow up a bit. :cool:


New Fish
Jul 3, 2005
Thanks for the tips everyone. They seem to be doing much better today, the GS isn't chasing the JD anywhere near as much and is even letting him out of the corner to cruise the tank. I guess after having gourami's that would rather kill their tank mates than try to get along I got a bit worried that the same may happen with these two.