bad/good news


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
We are still returning scooter but we arent resetting up the 10 gallon, instead im saving my money and at christmas im getting a bigger tank, most likely 30 gallon. So i figure why not go ahead an work on the stocking of it :) Im thinkin a huge tropical community. I want my base that i work around to be an Opaline Gourami and a Striped peacock eel, ive wanted both of those for awhile. Im also still wanting my Black Phantom and Bleeding Heart Tetra's. I plugged this in aqadvisor and got 102% stocking. 1 Peacock eel ,1 Opaline gourami, 5 Bleeding Hearts, 5 Black Phantoms,5 Kuhli's loach's and a Rainbow shark. What do you all think?


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
Sounds like you have room for more!

The eel is an interesting idea....I have to look this up.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
What's going to happen with your current gourami? Are you going to put him in the 10 alone? Or leave him in the 5 with your betta?

The above plan sounds quite nice. I wouldn't say there's room for more though. Remember to get a tank with a tight-fitting cover so the kuhlis don't escape!

I can't forsee any issues, I'd say all the fish are compatible in terms of parameters and so well done on coming up with a good list. When it comes to it make sure you keep an eye on the rainbow shark incase he gets aggressive.

Good luck! :)


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
I thought the Rainbow shark was to risky, so i changed it to a Blood Parrot cichlid. Since most of the fish are to fast to be bullied by the BP im not to worried about that. Does anyone think its a bad idea to but a BP in this tank?


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
Oooohhhh I was looking at a BP last night. They wanted $25 for him. Cool looking fish!

I'd say it is pushing it a bit. Now hey........I'm all for pushing stocking limits and I think AqAdvisor is a little too cautious in its recommendations but the BP is a semi aggressive fish if I am not mistaken. It may be ok if those smaller fish school well.

He'd be a great centerpeice fish in that tank - but don;t they get to be about 12 inches??? Eh.....maybe not then.

How about a remote control submarine with camera??? No bio-load and lots of fun to operate!


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
LOL they reach 8 inchs but 6 is more common. Which is the same size as the shark would be. And all a parrot can do is Push the fish anyway. Not to be mean but if he did try to bully the fish he'd be terrile at it LOL. If no one has any objections to the Bp then this is def what i want and i just have to look in what type of filtration to do (current or no current) and what type of bottom to do (sand or fine gravel) and what type of decor (im thinkin a cave for each of the bottom dwellers and a nice big one for my Bp) and what to feed my Peacock. as Ive heard they like a nice ghost shrimp snack on ocasions i just have to keep a nice stock of Earthworms :)


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Which still makes it a cichlid, just a hybrid. Though I don't think it's every been confirmed to be those cichlids.

2 words - too big. I wouldn't personally, BPs need quite a bit of space. Their full-grown size can range anywhere from 6 inches to, as TAL said, nearly 12.

Why not try some form of loach like yoyo loaches?


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
They get in almost every type of fish in the hobby. Theyve had Tire Track eels. Black Ghost knifes. Brown knifes. Milky way catfish. Bettas. Paradises. all the SA cichlids and lots of the small africans. Rainbow fish. goldfish. Flying fox's. Yoyo loachs, dojo loachs, Clown loachs.