bad mom-


Large Fish
Feb 28, 2005
So my mom gets home from Corpus Cristi, TX today and remebering the litttle I've told her about "tanking" she decided to bring me home some live sand, some sand sifters, and some "seaweed", from the ocean. Its hard to tell yer mom not to steal from mother nature when shes making a nice gesture like that. Not that i think taking a couple pounds of sand or some snails is all that bad, but i did educate her. So now i have this stuff and beings she made such a cool effort im gonna put it in my tank if i can figure out what it is, and its not gonna screw up my tank. so heres some pics any input,or ID would be appreciated.

HERE ARE THE SAND SIFTERS OF SOME SORT? not worried about putting these in just curious what they are?

And here is what she calls "seaweed", macroalgae?

I cant tell if this is gonna seed all over my tank or what? this is what im most concerned about. The sand is more like really dark sand , mineral mud i will probably just put in my refugium so i dont mess with my white sand bed. Good plan? Thanks guys hope yer all doin well
P.S.- just found out im gonna be a daddy, im telling the whole world--STOKED!!! scared $hitless......thanks peace!! *celebrate *PEACE!*


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
the sand sifters look like baby clams... and that does look like seaweed with some type of egg on the end, I could be wrong it could just be part of it. Congratulations on becoming a dad!


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
I did a little reaserch to see what I could find for you. I didnt find much (just a bunch of pictures). But they would probably be difficult to keep in the tank because I did find that they eat microscopic stuff in the sand particles. And I am not sure if you can duplicate what they eat. Sorry I couldnt be of much more help. Good Luck.

Jul 23, 2004
Visit site
well, ive got no clue whatsoever about the stuff your mom brought you, but congrats on the little one on the way! No reason to be scared though, i was 7 months ago when my lil boy was born, only thing to be scared of though is if the baby has colic, they just cry alllllll the time, they usually grow out of it by 3 months though, just makes for a few long nights. but all in all its the single most greatest thing in the world to have a seed of your own! Best Wishes and the Best of Luck to you!!



Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
i think you may find that the animals your mother has brought you will die in the tropical temp of your tank. even the gulf water isn't as warm as are SW aquariums. the seaweed looks like just that.

personally i wouldn't put any of it in my tank but i understand you are in a sort of sticky situation. you don't have a little 10g you could make a "mom nano" out of do you?

congrats on the kid!