bala sharks rock except___

shark shak

Medium Fish
Mar 2, 2006
i have two bala sharks that show absulutly no sign of aggression towards my other fish,so would it be ok to get a few full grown guppies?why or why not?
is it possible to adjust them to the guppies slowly if they even do attack the guppies.

Mar 3, 2006
columbus, Tx
heh, I've asked that exact same question. Most people have told me that its fine, that there somewhat timid and will just leave them alone. My bala doesnt act agressive either. My redtail doesnt either, and everyone tells me they can get really territorial

shark shak

Medium Fish
Mar 2, 2006
bala shark not so scary

i recently(1 month ago) bought 2 bala sharks and everyone told me there very aggressive.They are the biggest chickens.i wanted a cool fish that doesnt hide when i open the bedroom door.they hide from the tiger barbs i also this becuase they might have been mistreated at the pet store.
are they sick,please help!


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
What size tank are they in? Many fish that are in a tank too small for them or in conditions where they are not happy will hide.

Bala sharks can get grumpy as they get older...dont forget, the ones you have are babies right now. Check out this profile we have on them...did you know they get that big?

(Edit: I combined this thread with your other bala shark thread.)

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Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
In all my experience with seeing people I know having balah sharks and with keeping them myself I've not known them to be aggressive toward other types of fish. They might knock another balah around a bit to establish dominance, but other than that I've not seen them hurt another fish. Maybe someone who knows a lot about them can tell you more, but I have guppies with my balahs now and they're just fine. So, I would say go ahead, as long as your tanks big enough. Hopefully I'll be able to get a bigger tank someday and live up to that advice better.*SUPERSMIL


Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
In all my experience with seeing people I know having balah sharks and with keeping them myself I've not known them to be aggressive toward other types of fish. They might knock another balah around a bit to establish dominance, but other than that I've not seen them hurt another fish. Maybe someone who knows a lot about them can tell you more, but I have guppies with my balahs now and they're just fine. So, I would say go ahead, as long as your tanks big enough. Hopefully I'll be able to get a bigger tank someday and live up to that advice better.*SUPERSMIL

shark shak

Medium Fish
Mar 2, 2006
thanx for all the advice but i dont want a tank of fish that hurt each other.
but i also dont want them to be chickens eather,the people at petco told me that there old enough to fend from them selfs and should already be aggressive and they recomemded that i remove them from the tank.but they are still chickens,is there a possability that there sick,every know and then i will notice a scale turn black and fall off but a knew one grows back.


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
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shark shak said:
i have two bala sharks that show absulutly no sign of aggression towards my other fish,so would it be ok to get a few full grown guppies?why or why not?
is it possible to adjust them to the guppies slowly if they even do attack the guppies.
Your tanks are severely overstocked. You shouldn't add one more fish regardless of compatability. As a matter of fact, you should either return most of the fish you have or start saving your allowance for a VERY BIG TANK (and a good sized pond for the id shark) *ALL*

However, your very next purchase really needs to be test kits (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH at a minimum) -- you're fish aren't fine, they're hiding, not eating and probably on borrowed time. :(

A 10 and 20 aren't suitable for anything in your tank except perhaps the barbs (what kind are they?) And those barbs may not be good with the live plants you want to keep.

How long have these tanks been set up? The one with the brown on everything, is it near a window by any chance? When has each fish been added? How are you keeping your tanks? vacuuming, water changes, feeding schedule......

shark shak

Medium Fish
Mar 2, 2006
i understand this but when some of the other fish get bigge r i will transfer some of them to the 200 gallon witch has maybe 20" of fish total right now,is that ok if later ill transfer them,currently there is enough room in the 20 gallon.

shark shak

Medium Fish
Mar 2, 2006
dear tubbs24,i wanted something a little bit more social not hiding from everything,i heard they are aggresive but i knew that they werent going to hurt my other fish,what i meant by that is i wanted a tuff fish not like guppies or tetras.i was aming for is a fish tht is ative very social.i was only going to try the bala for a little while and decide if i like him and if not give him to my nieghbor,i did decide i liked him and there looks to be plenty of room for them currently.many people ive talked to though told me it would take years for the balas to get any bigger than 6".and being i dont have many fish larger than 1 1/2".i know about overstocking and im aware that later they will need more room but im pretty confident theres enough room at the moment.


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
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The 20 is also overstocked and this needs to be remedied now, having them get to 6" before taking care of this problem is irresponsible imo. WHY have fish you can't keep more than a VERY brief period of time???? Bala sharks, id sharks, plecs, tinfoil barbs...... They all need to START in larger tanks than a 20 and some aren't appropriate for aquaria period.

Feb 22, 2003
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I've noticed you have far too many post about the exact same fish, try posting all your questions in the same thread as they come up, I am trying to help you understand your Bala sharks since I have owned mine for 4 years but I'm not really interested in reading a million and one differnt threads with almost the same question so this is what I'm going to do, listen up now cause this will be some advice that you may want to take head to......First off...

Bala Sharks can get up to a foot long maybe even larger, you should not cramp them into a 20g tank even if it is till they get a bit bigger because you will stunt their growth and with doing that they will not live as long because their outer shell has stopped growing but their insides have not therefore they pretty much suffocate on their own internal organs...

They can be very skitish and will not be aggressive at all, they will play with eachother slapping fins and chasing eachother around the tank, in order to help them get over their scaredness stay around the tank alot, move your hand slowly up and down the length of the tank to get them used to you and outside movement, as well they will start to follow your hand after a while because they will start to recognize you as the person who plays with them and feeds them, mine greet me at the glass everytime I come in the room now, but they will startle everyonce and a while and that is normal.....

I don't recommend having anything smaller that isn't bigger than their mouth cause even though they are herbavoires, they may accidently eat a small fish like a guppy or neon in their fedding frenzy....

As for being told they will take years to get over 6" that is a load of BS, start doing some research and listen to what the people on this site are telling you cause most of us have had fish for 5 or more years or had them before and are just starting out again....Your Balas could reach 6" in 6 months so upgrade your tank soon or you will be killing your fish.....

That is all I can think of right now but again start listening to us or you are just going to waste your $$$$

Feb 22, 2003
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You obviously aren't listening to what we are telling you and that is if you wait till they get bigger you will be killing them cause like I said in the last post you will stunt them...If you not going to take regard to what we are saying then why do you bother asking, you are obviously an irresponsible fish keeper if you won't be bothered to properly care for them now...Good luck with your fish and I hope they don't die