Bali Fire Shrimp


Superstar Fish
May 24, 2005
Chesapeake, Va
Does anyone know or have experience with these type of shrimp?
I like the way they look, my lfs store has them for $30 each
Is this overly expensive? Will they be compatible with my tank? Current occupants are:

10 gallons with 11 pounds live rock
two peppermint shrimp
3 blue legged hermits
2 margarita snails

Future plans for two clowns

up about a month ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates between 0-5ppm, barely registers. Gonna do a water change today with distilled/RO/water


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
if these are the solid red guys with a few white spots they would do fine in your tank but in such a small system I don't think I would add one on top of the two peppermints. I will tell you the one complaint everyone has about the blood shrimps: they hide a lot...they are from deeper/darker water than peppermints/cleaners so they tend to just disappear into the rockwork and come out mostly at night. A very good looking shrimp though and that price is pretty normal i would say