Balloon Body Gold Ram

Jul 1, 2008
north carolina
I have no idea how to care for my new young Balloon Body Gold Ram.
He/she is in a 10 gallon tank with 6 tetras ( 2 of them are a little bit bigger than my Ram) and 2 ghost shrimp.
My Gold Ram is just so cute I can't wait to watch him/her grow.
Sadly I don't know what he/she likes.
Any ideas????


Small Fish
Jul 7, 2008
I did a google search, but as I don't know what your fish looks like I don't know if what I found is your fish or not. It says that your fish is of the cichlid family. And has an omnivore diet.

Most fish info websites will have a photo of the fish. You might try doing a web search.

Jul 1, 2008
north carolina
I had tried frozen food, but he/she didn't even go near, if anything he/she swam away.
I'll be shopping today for more fish food and pet supplies before I start working today, (i work at a pet store)
I have 2 white skirt tetras which are a little bigger than him.
A rosy tetra
and 3 x-ray tetras.
Ghost shrimp included.

all my fish are young and smaller than an inch.

Dec 20, 2007
North Lousiana
I have a golden ram and, wow, the balloon version looks quite different except for color. I started off with 2 golden rams and then got ich which lead to a cycle upset. I lost one of them but the other has proven to be quite hardy. I keep my nitrates under 20 and use Amquel+ for any cycle upsets. Water with any ammonia, nitrites, or high nitrates can give them Hole in the Head disease. Do larger water changes than the usual. I do 30-50% most of the time.
He eats ANYTHING though flakes is his least fave. He will eat from my fingers too. Only one of 2 fish in the whole tank that will do that.
Alot of info will tell you they need to be at certain ph but I wouldn't worry with that. My ph is a little high but he does fine. Don't worry about ph unless yo decide to breed. My temp hangs out at about 79-80. I used to keep it around 78 and then read their colors are better in higher temps. I've seen no difference yet.
BTW, from the pic it looks like you might have a female!
Welcome to MFT

Jul 12, 2007
Where else?
I've Had both my rams for 7 months and I really love them. The colors are so nice. The 2 I have are kind of lazy except when its feeding time. I'm pretty sure that their a pair.

The Ballon ram reminds me of a Ryukin Goldfish (the Shape). :p


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2008
.......I keep my nitrates under 20 and use Amquel+ for any cycle upsets. ......... Do larger water changes than the usual. I do 30-50% most of the time.
All my tanks with live plants in them always show 0,0,0 amonnia, nitrites and nitrates, even the ones with only one small live plant. A few plants and nitrates become less of a worry.