Bamboo Shrimp Condition


Small Fish
Nov 12, 2013
Can someone tell me if Bamboo shrimp are in general hardier or less hardy than community fish?
I have two Bamboo shrimp. They have been here a little over a week now and are actively filtering.
As I watch them I don't want to be thinking all is well because they are doing well. Not seeing any problems just a little paranoid I think since the tank size upgrade and move.
I had the 70 filter in the 26 gal tank and moved it to the 40 but wondering if I should now get a bigger filter.
Just don't want any problems.

Feb 27, 2009
As long as they can find enough food to filter, they are usually ok. Definitely not a 'hardy' type of animal to keep though, as most cannot provide them with the proper food.

What are you feeding them to filter from the water? Do they stay in the output of your filter?


Small Fish
Nov 12, 2013
There are some decorations in the tank that have openings in them. They have tried all three and seem to have setteled on one with two openings. They are usually hanging out together and hanging out the openings doing the fllter feet thing . I tend to overfeed the fish which is why I have the larger filter so there is stuff in the water and a lot of circulation. I did buy some First Bites I think it is called for baby fish and have put a pinch in there a few times.
I'm just wondering ...if the shrimp are doing well the water and all should be doing well?



Small Fish
Nov 12, 2013
Nope, now real experience with inverts. I wanted some shrimp so I did about 2 days worth of research on the internet and decided on these.
Some of the information I read is below.
As far as temperature, pH and hardness, bamboo shrimp seem to do well in any condition that fish thrive in. As long as they have enough food,
Name: Bamboo shrimp, Timber shrimp, Wood shrimp, Fan Shrimp
Scientific Name: Atyopsis moluccensis
HABITAT-- Fast running rivers of Singapore.
SIZE-- 3-4½",smaller when kept in the home aquaria around 3½"
TANK SIZE-- Smaller tanks can easily house this shrimp. 10 Gallons is the absolute minimum tank size you can keep one in. Anything smaller and you will have food problems and the shrimp won't be too comfortable either.
DIET--Suspended algae and other microscopic organisms, can be fed small amounts of liquid fry food and foods for fine marine filter feeders such as Kent Marine's Phytoplex.
TANK ZONE-- Everywhere, it will roam wherever there is an object to cling on to.
TEMPERAMENT-- Very peaceful even though looks can be misleading. Is compatible with any smaller not aggressive shrimp or fish. Can not be housed with any aggressive inverts or fish as they will eat the shrimp either when it is molting or when it is in the open.
-pH- In nature this shrimp enjoys a slightly acidic environment. In the home aquarium this shrimp can be kept at a wide range of pH parameters ranging from acidic to alkaline.
-Hardness- Prefers to live in soft water but is able to live in soft to hard water
-Temperature- Very wide, can tolerate anywhere from 68 - 85F but prefers 73-84F
PHOTOPERIOD-- receives 12 hours of light each day in nature.
SENSITIVITIES-- All species of shrimp are very sensitive to copper and lots of other medications. Be sure to look on the back of the bottle before you dose anything. If unsure it is best moved for treatment.
HARDINESS & LIFESPAN-- Moderately Hardy, can survive pH spikes and such, though when exposed to copper there is a good chance it will die.
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION-- Distinct feathery like appendages. Colors can vary but when in a "good mood" it turns a deep red color and develops a distinct white line down it's back, Only when stressed does the shrimp actually resemble wood. 6 walking legs in all and 2 long antennae.
SEXES-- When fully grown males have larger and thicker front walking legs than females
HABITS-- During the day this shrimp filter feeds. That is basically all it does. About once a month or so it will molt. This is a hard time for the shrimp so it will hide if there are potential predators in the tank of there are no potential predators it will be very bold walking with no shell on. It does not school and interact that much with others of it's kind (except for mating). At night it does exactly the same thing.
OTHER NOTES--This shrimp is a real "water polisher" They will keep your water Crystal clear and completely free of suspended algae. This shrimp loves a good current so make sure you have a filter output or a small powerhead output in a place you want your shrimp to be viewed because they will always be there filtering out the goods. Also, algae can grow on your shrimp's exoskeleton depending on nitrates, lighting etc. So if you see a little brown spot on the top of your shrimp it's probably just a bit of brown algae and will go away when it molts.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
They sound cool. I don't believe I've seen bamboo shrimp locally. In fact, you're lucky to find ghost shrimp, red cherries or amanos in my area. I started with ghost shrimp, then added red cherry. I've got more than I can count in my 10g now. In fact, I've got to net out a bunch every now & then and add them to my 55g. Hate to do it, given RCS go for over $3/ea in my area. Ghosties are a like $0.10/ea. I've had Ghost shrimp live 6 months or more. The Red cherries definitely took over.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
See if someone will buy (or give you credit for supplies) for the cherries. I made a bundle doing that a few yrs back.
I thought about that OC.

I love my LFS (where I got them), but don't care for the super unfriendly staff. All but one treat you like they've never seen you before. Never a "thanks for shopping".. nothin'.

I didn't think about the next closest LFS though. It's grungy, grimy, old-school and been there forever with the original owner, but they're a hoot.


Small Fish
Nov 12, 2013
image.jpg Here' a picture. I think they are more comfortable. They have both chosen their own decoration tonight anyway. The one is always upside down with those feet going.
I think I would really like to have two of the Cherry shrimp just think I should wait. image.jpg


Small Fish
Nov 12, 2013
No not so far, just waving those fans in the air like they just don't care.
I waste too much time watching them.. Can't quite figure out where their mouth is:confused


Small Fish
Nov 12, 2013
No not so far.
They just hang out waving those fans in the air like they just don't care.
I waste way too much time watching them. I can't figure out where their mouth is:confused: