banggai card


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
Visit site
Hey. I added my banggai cardinal yesterday in the main tank. Healthy, big. and beautiful. My perc seems to be friendly with him, sharing food and space..they sleep together. But...the big yellow tang, who was accepting him when first introduced, didn't like when the banggai tried to look for food when the light where off. The banggai sneaked around the tang's "apartment" ;) and since then, the yellow tang can't stand him. Always chasing him, unless he's swimming at the top, far away from the tang. The banggai lost 2 bits of the fins ( hope it will grow back )...but doesn't seem to understand that he should avoid the big yellow bully. My question is : can a tang accept it or should i take the banggai out and give it away ??
Is is worth waiting?
The tang accepted the perc, never even tried to attack him...but he was little and scared. Now he's the boss


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
Visit site
Kool. Tnx for the replies. Hope they'll get along..or maybe i will sell the tang ( if he's going to pick on/kill every new fish ), rather than excluding the banggai. Need peace in the reef. The guy who sold me the MH bought a copperband butterfly and a yellow tang killed it in one night. Maybe it was the similar shapes that pushed the tang to kill him...but i kinda remembered this story when mine begun his attacks