Does anyone know what causes catfish barbels to wear away? My hoplo catfish in my 30g seem to be losing their barbels. The cories in the same tank have no problem with their barbels. The gravel isn't sharp... it's a mixture of gravel and crushed coral. The pH in the tank is about 7.8, it's 7.2 out of my tap and 6.8 in the tank that they used to be in, but they've been in the 30g for a month or so now and this started pretty recently (like over the weekend or more recently, not entirely sure). Ammonia/nitrites are zero, nitrates are low. Temp 76-78 or so.
Any ideas/suggestions?
Would the rainbowfish pick on them? The barbels look more like they're wearing away than being nibbled, but I can't really tell.
Any ideas/suggestions?
Would the rainbowfish pick on them? The barbels look more like they're wearing away than being nibbled, but I can't really tell.