Basic Betta Questions


Small Fish
Aug 15, 2005
Well, first off this is my first post on the forum. Hi :cool:.

I am planning on purchasing an Eclipse 6 for my desk. I would have gotten something bigger but with college I just don't have time/space for anything bigger. I would like to get a nice looking betta for the center piece of my future tank.

Which brings me to my questions. I was at the LFS(Local Fish Store?) browsing for ideas for my tank and looked at the betta shelf. Now I realize that they are all in small bowls/cups but in a nice 6 gallon tank will they be more active? Because they all just kind of sat their not moving(sleeping?).

My next question is that I would also like to add some other small fish. I know that bettas are very aggressive, but can they have any tank partners? If so which ones, and how many could I have in the 6 gallon tank with a betta?

Thank you to any help you can give me.

Jun 15, 2005
Mesa, AZ
It really all does depend on your Betta's personality. You could try a few Zebra Danios, or some Neon Tetras. Those would be a good choice for a small tank. You'll have to buy them in schools of about 5 or more to keep the smaller fish happy, though, so be prepared.


Small Fish
Aug 15, 2005
Masta_Cheef said:
It really all does depend on your Betta's personality. You could try a few Zebra Danios, or some Neon Tetras. Those would be a good choice for a small tank. You'll have to buy them in schools of about 5 or more to keep the smaller fish happy, though, so be prepared.
Well, I was personally thinking Neon Tetras to add some color to the tank. But since it is only a 6 gallon tank wouldn't having 5 Tetras and a Betta be too much?


Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
Visit site
You would definitely be pushing it- particularly if you had an aggressive betta who was prone to chasing the neons. but other than that- it could be done if you were really good about water changes and keeping an eye on things.


Small Fish
Aug 15, 2005
Hmm, would their be any major problems if I didn't get 5 and got 3 instead? Also would I want to buy one and then see how my betta reacts or just buy them all at once and if they are being bothered take them out?

BTW Thank you all for reply to my stupid questions *thumbsups

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Actually I think the eclipses have plenty of room for a school of tetras, I know someone with one that is somewhat "overstocked" with several schools of tetras but there is alot of room for all the fish. But I dont know if that would be the same with a betta.


Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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I think so too- they have a really nice filter- they are great tanks. I still think he would have to be really good about water changes though. The thing with getting fewer tetras to see how the betta reacts woudl be that the one or three tetras would be overstressed in that situation. They school when they are threatened. I think if you planted it well (low maintenance live plants like java fern or artificial silk plants) to give the tetras a place to hide and break up the betta's direct line of sight to them you would be better off than if you just got one tetra.
Oh and welcome! should have said that before, sorry.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
With bettas I usually prefer to get some fish that wont be in their way. If you get a particularly aggressive betta they'll still chase neons if they get too close. Not to mention, neons aren't particularly hardy little things, and dont do a thing for cleaning up your tank.

If it were my tank I'd think about maybe 3 corys for the bottom? or an apple snail and an ADF and some shrimp? You can do lots of different things while still giving the betta his space. Oh...and yes they'll be much more active in a larger space with warmer water :)


Large Fish
Aug 1, 2005
If you do get shrimp make sure to have a hiding spot for them. I used to have 2 ghost shrimp but when I took away there hiding spot when one was shedding, all that was left was there heads. :(


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
I agree with Froggy. I would do one of the following:
1 male Betta, 3 Cories, and an Otto
1 male Betta, 4 Afircan Dwarf Frogs and an Otto
1 male Betta, 2 (smaller) Cories, 2 African Dwarf Frogs and a Snail
1 male Betta, an Otto, and some Shrimp
But if you do Shrimp (IMO) I would stay away from Ghost Shrimp. Go with Bamboo Shrimp or something.


Small Fish
Aug 15, 2005
Thank you guys VERY much for all the information. I think I will stay away from the tetras and do something like 1 male Betta, an Otto, and some Shrimp.

I've read here that the shrimp don't add much to the bio load so would I be ok if I got like 3 or something like that?

May 9, 2005
West Haven, CT
an eclipse 6 is six gallons. You cannot put any other fish in that really. the afformentioned frogs and shrimp and snails -yes. Other fish need more gallons-except killieleast fish (the betta would eat them) and maybe pigmy cories (but Iam not even sure on the cories) So I think the otto is out.

I had a 5g I stocked once and with my research, and I think I searched a lot cause dog gone it I wanted something else, I found nothing besides adf's, shrimp and snails.

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
Should live solo

My Betta lives in a cycled Eclipse 6, he has it all to himself and is quite happy having his little world to himself. You might want to get a snail for the tank that would be ok. Six gallons is plenty of room for a Betta but I wouldn't get any other fish, Bettas can be pretty territoral and while it is a nice size for him he might feel threaten with other fish plus you have to montior the water quality alot more if you add more fish. If you want more then one fishy I would get a few neons or another type of fish. But if you just get a Betta, he alone would make your aquarium look beautiful. Show him a mirror a little each day and enjoy his war dance *BOUNCINGS Or when your ready invest in a larger tank and you can have a Betta and a few other fish so each critter can have enough space from each other when need be.

Every Betta is different, so each like us has their own personality. But sadly the Bettas you see in those dinky little cups are inactive mainly because they are bored and cold since the water of course is not heated and most LFS tempertaure is the high 60's to keep their customers happy. I'm sure when you put your Betta in the aquarium you will have flaring bubble nest builder in one time :)