Battlefield Aqualand

ashleigh ~ I will look into those and that is the type of suggestions I was looking for! I want people who have experienced fish that dwell in the top, middle, and lower levels that may seem to act like different battle equipment or personnel. It will make for a more interesting "Theme" tank if the fish or aquatic life acts in a "military" manner so to speak! Thanks for the input!


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I totally agree with the hatchetfish as the "airplane" hatchets stay within a couple inches of the surface at all times and only eat floating food (unless my fingers are in there holding bloodworms at the surface). Very cool fish and you need to get at least 5 or 6 of them. There are two different colors of hatchets too...if you could find and had a big enough tank you could get two different color 'airplanes' ;)

It seems that the pearl Danios, if used, would serve best as like the dive bomber planes, since they swim through all levels. The hatchetfish, is used, would be the high flying spy planes, since they remain at the top. Here is the next question: has anyone had pearl danios and hatchetfish in a tank and do these conflict? Do the hatchetfish take over the top part of the tank causing the danios to stay in the middle or lower levels of the tank? Aslo, what would be the recommended size tank for each group of (say 3-5) hatchetfish or pearl danios? (Keep in mind I will have other fish in the lower levels as well. Planning to use my 55 gallon Hex Flat-back!)


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I have two danios in the same tank as the hatchets...they dont bother each other. Actually the danios pretty much have always been all over the tank...whether you get pearls or zebras or leopards etc...they're spastic little guys. Both the hatchets and the danios like to be in groups of at least 5 or 6.

Edit: You want to be careful with stocking a hex tank because with the lower levels of surface area the 02 in your tank will probably be less than it would be in a 55 with the normal surface area.

FroggyFox said:
I have two danios in the same tank as the hatchets...they dont bother each other. Actually the danios pretty much have always been all over the tank...whether you get pearls or zebras or leopards etc...they're spastic little guys. Both the hatchets and the danios like to be in groups of at least 5 or 6.

Edit: You want to be careful with stocking a hex tank because with the lower levels of surface area the 02 in your tank will probably be less than it would be in a 55 with the normal surface area.
Ok, so danios are good for the dive bombers and I could just pick a color for the scheme. Now the amount in each group would be preferably 5, so that gives me 10 fish at approximate adult size of 2-2.5". I have already, by the "rule," used 20-25 gallons of water for these fish. Correct?
If so, then I have about 20-25 gallons left in the 55 gallon for additional fish. (I am taking out 5-10 gallons, because of possible plants, ornaments and ground cover. Am I correct in my estimations so far? I would rather plan this out in my head and with help than buying all this to find out I have overcrowded or done an injustice to the tank.

By O2 you mean oxygen, correct? Would additional air being pumped in on a dual air pump help to combat the O2 deficiency? Additionally I plan to "make" a UGJ for this tank, which will give more current and provide for cleaner environment.

Sorry it is so much, just need to get info...should I post an additional thread as not to flood this one? Thanks!


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
#7 shouldn't be as bad as a normal hex...but still probably something to keep in mind. Yes 02 I mean oxygen...and any added water movement would be good as long as you have some surface agitation (current or bubbles breaking the surface of the water).

Heh...I'd say you were hijacking the thread...but you were the one who started the thread...heh so I dont know if you can hijack your own thread?? I can split this last couple posts off onto a new thread if you'd like?

Sounds like you've got those "rules" down :) Honestly they're not steadfast rules...but a good guide to go by when most of the fish in the tank are going to be in that 1-3 inch range.

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Yes, FroggyFox, could you break this thread off, where ever you see fit and possibly title the new thread "Battlefield Aqualand" or something like that?

I currently have a cylinder air stone and 12 inch air stone strip in the tank as well as a HOB filter, which seem to agitate the water pretty well. I also have an additional HOB filter that I could use on this tank that was inherited with the tank.

I guess now I need to figure our the "ground troops" (possibly cories of two variations) and "tanks" (possibly shellfish???). I know little to nothing about shellfish in regards to their aggressive or communal natures when relating to the fish discussed??? Thanks again for the assistance, it is greatly appreciated! (ashleigh as well)


Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
Visit site
Well, the problem with shellfish is that your tank would probably be too clean for them, since they are filter feeders. Some people have some luck with them, but I don't think they would fit in well with your theme anyway because they bury themselves (oooh- they could be the land mines ;) ) Know what I think would make a better bomber than danios though? Spotted headstanders. They would take a bit more from your stocking level though. I thought of something else too- for one of your ' army fish- you might see if you have gold tetras in yoru area, we have them here once in a while. they kind of have a military look.

I even looked at the stripped headstander, which I love the look, but they get to be 8" and need a group to be less aggressive. The Spotted headstanders look pretty cool too! I can live with the 4" growth, but could only put maybe 3 as they say that they are quarrelsome towards each other, but placid and calm towards other breeds. Great options though and they would be in the middle of the tank. They are on the "hook" for now!


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
How about some apple snails for the tanks?? You need to take care that they dont lay eggs or if they do you take the clutches out...but usually they wont lay eggs if you keep the waterline up and keep your eyes open at water changes.